Page 43 of Harrison's Wedding

I tear the two pages out of the book, then hand them to the boys with a smile. “Here you go.”

“Thank yousomuch,” Austin says.

As I’m putting my notepad and pen away, Jabin asks, “Where’s Gabriel?”

“He had an event this weekend, unfortunately. So, he couldn’t come with us,” Hayden says.

“That’s a bummer. I wish we could’ve met him,” Austin says. Then, quickly, he adds, “No offense, it’s still awesome to meet you guys!”

Sebastian laughs. “It’s okay. I’m not offended. Do you guys play any instruments?”

Both of the boys play a combination of instruments, and we talk for another minute or so about music before the baggage carousel starts up, and the boys return to their parents.

We’re still looking out for our luggage when Sebastian says, “I’ll be back in a second.”

He walks over to the boys and their parents and has a short conversation with them. Everyone’s smiling, and Sebastian pulls out his phone and types something into it before he locks it, shakes the parents’ hands, and high-fives the boys, then he walks back to us.

“What did you do?” I ask.

“I got their address. I’ll get Gabriel to send them an autograph.”

“That’s really nice of you, Seb,” Hayden tells him.

Sebastian shrugs his shoulders but doesn’t reply. We all try to give as much time as we can to fans, but Sebastian has a tendency to go above and beyond. I admire that in him. I didn’t even think to get their address to have Gabriel complete their autograph collection for our band.

After getting our luggage, we head to the hotel. When we arrive, it’s chaos outside. There’s a massive group of paparazzi as well as a whole army of Cruise Control fans. They’re wearing our merch and holding signs saying how much they love us. We answer a few questions from the paparazzi and sign autographs for all of the fans that we can get to.

It’s not long before the entire thing becomes overwhelming. People start to crowd in, and we’re being pushed and shoved while hotel security tries to hold the crowd back. Just when I think things are surely going to go bad, the police arrive, causing everyone to give us some room.

I wave and smile to the fans as we make our way through the gap and into the safety of the hotel.

When we get inside, I breathe a massive sigh of relief and say, “Thank yousomuch for that.”

“I’m so sorry, gentlemen. I don’t think I can apologize enough.”

Sebastian laughs. “Not your fault. We’re the ones who decided to be rock stars.”

We check in, and I’m given a key card to room 606, while the guys get their own room keys. We head upstairs, and I smile when I enter the suite and see Heather’s belongings everywhere. I can’t wait to see her.


Keep Your Voice Down

I’m sitting on the sofa in our hotel suite and reading a book while I wait for Heather to arrive. I’ve got my back against the end of it and I’ve stretched my legs out along the length of it. There’s a noise in the entrance to the room, and I look up to see Heather standing there.

I smile at the sight of her. She’s wearing a short dress, and her hair is loose and flowing down her back. She begins to run over to me, so I quickly set my book down on the coffee table before she reaches me and climbs on top of me. Heather drops her face to mine and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around her and stroke her back with one hand as she sighs against my mouth.

“Did you miss me, angel?” I smile at her, staring into her beautiful blue eyes.

“More than you will ever be able to imagine,” she says in a dramatic voice as she leans down, drops a soft kiss against my neck, and I laugh.

“I can imagine quite a bit. You know us creative types.” I wink at her.

My cock is already hard with her soft body pressed against me, and I’m eager to bury myself inside her.

“And what are you imagining right now, Harrison Fletcher?” she asks in a husky tone.

“Nothing,” I admit. “There is nothing better than you, here, on top of me. Why would I bother imagining anything else?”