Page 37 of Harrison's Wedding

We slide into the limousine and I put my arm around Heather’s shoulders, hearing the sigh of contentment that she gives as I do, and I can’t stop myself from smiling.

I run through the evening in my mind as we drive, and after a few minutes, I ask, “Are you going to tell me now what you and Sebastian were talking about? Or should I guess?”

“You can probably guess,” she says and gives me a chagrined smile.

Of course I can. It’s exactly what Hayden and I guessed it was. Hell, it was probably what Gabriel and Ariana both suspected the moment they realized that Heather and Seb had disappeared together.

“Just tell me you were having crazy sex with him and weren’t off in another room, bitching about Ariana,” I suggest, not entirely sure that isn’t a better option at this point.

She laughs at me. “Yes, crazy sex, that was it.” The laughter dies, and a serious look crosses her face before she asks in a somber tone, “What was it like for you when Ariana left?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, Heather.”

I’ve thought about this a bit since the night at Seb’s apartment. Ultimately, I’ve decided that it doesn’t do any good for us all to dwell on it. Ariana is back, and she’s changed. I certainly don’t think that Heather harboring resentment about it is a good thing.

“Well, I need to talk about it. Tell me, Harrison.”

I sigh, and I wish that I knew exactly what Seb told her tonight. It was a bad time, and there’s no way to sugarcoat it.

“Yes, what Sebastian said the other night was true. You stopped eating, and I was so, so worried about you. He and Hayden did pick up a lot of the slack at the time. Gabriel was out of commission, and most of my time was spent with you or worried about you.”

“How have you and Hayden forgiven her?” she asks.

“I can’t speak for Hayden,” I remind her, “as for me, I want Gabriel to be happy, and she makes him happy. I have to trust that she won’t hurt us all again, but if she does, we survived it once before, and we’ll survive it again. If she doesn’t, then I get to see my friend happy and in love, which is all I’ve ever wanted for him.”

Heather doesn’t respond to this; she frowns at me for a few seconds before relaxing into me again. I assume the conversation is over, for now at least, and I look out the window at Chicago passing us by with Heather’s calming warmth pulled against me.

I don’t know if any of that has gotten through to her, but it’s the truth. I don’t think that Ariana will leave Gabriel again, but if she does, then we’ll get through it. If Heather and Sebastian continue the way they’ve been going, there’s a very real chance that we will all experience something much worse than Ariana leaving.



Harrison Fletcher and Heather York’s engagement party was held last weekend at D’Jera. Sebastian Fox, international playboy and ladies’ man, is reported to have stormed off from the band’s table early in the evening.

Reports continue that, as the night wore on, Sebastian and Heather danced together before disappearing from the event for a decent enough length of time that Harrison had to leave the party to find them.

This has led many to speculate on a possible rift in the band, or even that Sebastian and Heather are perhaps having a secret affair. Many are curious as to how this might affect the possibility of a future album for Cruise Control.

No doubt, people will be watching carefully to see what happens at Heather’s show at New York Fashion Week this month. People in the world of fashion are eager to see what the debut designer has in store after many speculated that she was only invited to show due to her personal connections.


See, Heather? I Told You It Would Be Like This

I knock on Gabriel and Ariana’s apartment door on Tuesday, just before noon. Gabriel answers with a big smile on his face.

“I’m so excited. Hayden’s been telling me all about the factory,” he announces.

“Good. Well, let’s get going. If we don’t leave right now, we’ll be late.”

Gabriel smirks at me. “By ‘late’ do you mean, ‘not ten minutes early?’”

“Maybe.” I give him a sheepish grin, but urge him, “Let’s go.”

We head downstairs and get into my Tesla to drive to Reid Music. My palms are sweaty, and my heart is racing because I’m picking up my guitar today. Heather’s in New York again, getting everything ready for Fashion Week, and I’m flying out on Thursday afternoon. I’m excited that I can get my guitar before I go, though I’m a little bit worried about leaving it behind when I go to NYC.

When we enter the building, the receptionist gasps when she sees Gabriel with me. “Oh my god, um, hi. I’ll get Mr. Reid.”