Page 34 of Harrison's Wedding

I’m pleased when she smiles politely at her and says, “Thank you for asking, Ariana. Yes, I was thinking of making the bridesmaid dresses myself and definitely my wedding dress. I’ve actually already started designing it.”

She won’t show me, but I know she’s been working on sketches that she’s hiding away at Serenity so I don’t accidentally see them. I don’t care; Heather could wear a trash bag and still be the most stunning bride in history.

“I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” Ariana assures her, “your designs are absolutely beautiful.”

For a second, Heather looks flattered before her expression changes and she frowns at Ariana. I’m disappointed when she replies as her tone is cold and cruel.

“Yes, they are. Thank you.”

Seb is frowning at Heather, and I turn to look at Ariana, who is holding Gabriel’s hand tightly and has turned her head to talk to Jake and Chloe. Gabriel turns to give me a meaningful look, and I sigh.

Seb asks from behind me, “Heather, do you want to dance with me?”

Most of the guests have finished their appetizers, and the DJ has started up the party music again in between the courses.

“I thought you had a cousin to be dancing with?” Hayden sounds amused.

“Why have the pale imitation when you can have the original and the best?” Seb smirks.

“I don’t know whether I should be flattered at the compliment or outraged on Nikki’s behalf,” Heather laughs.

“You can be both, just come dance,” Seb urges her.

He grabs her hand and drags her to the dance floor. A slow song is playing, and I watch as he puts his arms around her waist, and she puts her arms on his shoulders.

Gabriel says quietly, “I’m tired of their shit, Harrison.”

“I don’t know what to say. If you think I have some kind of control over Heather York, you’re sorely mistaken.” I smile inwardly at the choice of words and continue to watch Seb and Heather for a second before I sigh and turn to look at Gabriel. “And I have even less control over Sebastian Fox.”

“Well, them teaming up to be cruel to Ari is getting real old, real fast,” he says sternly.

I turn back to watch the pair dancing together. After a few seconds, Seb says something to Heather, and she sticks her tongue out at him. Their conversation continues, and I look back at Gabriel.

“I’m not sure there’s anything I can do about it. I’m hoping that, in time, they’ll come around. Once they see that Ariana isn’t going to leave again.”

“I’m definitely not,” Ariana says in a pleasant tone from next to him, and we both jump in surprise.

“Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to talk about you like you weren’t here, Ariana,” I apologize.

Ariana laughs. “It’s fine. I shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, anyway.”

“Is this a case where two wrongs make a right?” I ask and grin back at her.

With Heather and Seb absent from the table, the conversation becomes relaxed and easy. We’re chatting about Ariana’s work as a real estate agent when I’m distracted from the conversation by the sight of Heather leading Seb off the dance floor and out of the room.

Obviously, they’ve gone somewhere to continue whatever discussion they’ve been having while dancing. I have a strong hunch that I know exactly what, or who, the topic of conversation is, and I frown at their retreating backs.

Hayden gestures for me to sit next to him, and I slide across Heather’s seat to sit in Seb’s as he says quietly to me, “Whatever they’re going to talk about is not good.”

I glance at Gabriel and Ariana quickly; they’re talking to Jake, Chloe, and Vanessa. Everyone has smiles on their faces.

“I know,” I sigh and look at Hayden, who’s frowning at me. “I keep hoping they’ll come around, but they keep digging their heels in.”

“Ariana seems different to you, right?” he asks me.

I nod my head. “I think the big thing for me is that she’s been seen in public with him. I have to believe that she’s in it for the long haul.”

“Not to mention that she’s putting up with Seb and Heather’s bullshit,” he says pointedly.