Page 24 of Harrison's Wedding

“Probably,” she laughs.

I lower my head and kiss her softly. She parts her lips, and our tongues meet as we kiss. I slide my hand down to her ass to press her against me, feeling the arousal flooding throughout my body before Heather breaks our kiss.

“I don’t have time for sex,” she sighs.

“And Hayden probably doesn’t want to hear it, anyway,” I tease her.

“Maybe he does.” She winks at me and laughs.

I head back out to see Hayden, and we sit on the sofa and talk until Heather appears, wheeling her suitcase and her carry-on behind her. She takes it to the entrance and leaves it by the door before coming over to sit next to me on the sofa.

“Just how long are you going for, Heather?” Hayden raises an eyebrow at her.

“Three days.”

“For a second, I thought you must be moving out with a suitcase like that,” he teases her.

Heather laughs and reaches over to shove him playfully. “Don’t be an asshole. It’s a lot of pressure trying to impress models, don’t you know!”

“Idoknow, actually. I’ve seen Seb do it more times than I can count. Maybe you should take him with you? He probably has more experience with models than Ally.” Hayden makes a thoughtful face.

“Almost certainly.” Heather rolls her eyes. “But I think I’d trust Ally over Seb for which models will work best for the show.”

“Probably a good idea,” he agrees.

Hayden and I sit and talk with Heather until her Uber arrives. I kiss her again before she goes, and she promises me that she’ll call me when she lands. Not long after that, we head out to Reid Music.

The butterflies are back in my stomach as we pull up to their factory in the industrial area of Chicago. At our last meeting, I worked with them on a design for the guitar, drawing pictures to show them what I wanted. I’m here to see what they’ve worked up.

“What if I hate it?” I ask Hayden as we walk toward the entrance.

“You’ll tell them that, and they’ll work on something you’ll love.”

“Okay.” I take a deep breath and push open the door.

We’re greeted by a smiling receptionist who takes us through to the office of Xavier Reid. He’s a tall, gray-haired man in his sixties, who’s been in the business for decades, and he makes some amazing instruments.

“Harrison, Hayden; it’s good to see you.” He gets up from his desk and comes over to shake our hands. “Are you excited?”

“Excited. Terrified. Is there a difference?”

Xavier laughs and says, “Well, let’s take you through to Felicity. She’s been working hard on your guitar, and I think you’re going to love it.”

We walk past a few offices to one that’s a big square room with desks along the edge of it. There’s also a big table in the middle with multiple instruments in different stages of assembly on it. They all look like prototypes, and I’m amazed by seeing them like this. When I came here for the last meeting, we didn’t make it past the conference room.

I look out the window and down onto the factory floor. There’s a combination of people assembling instruments, along with robots doing some of the tasks. It’s fascinating, and I think that I could sit here all day and watch them without getting tired.

Felicity draws my attention when she walks over to me and reaches her hand out to mine. “Harrison. It’s so good to see you again. I think you’ll like what I’ve designed.”

“I’ll leave you to it,” Xavier says and leaves the room.

“Hayden Vega, I’m Felicity Perez. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiles at him and he shakes her hand.

We follow her over to one of the computers, and Felicity gets us chairs to sit in before she opens a computer program and says, “This is SolidWorks, our CAD program. It’s what I’ve used to build a three-dimensional model of your guitar.”

I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I can barely breathe. I’m eager to see what she’s come up with, but I really hope I don’t hate it.

“Are you ready to see it?” she grins at me.