Page 19 of Harrison's Wedding

Have You Ever Tried to Organize a Wedding?

I’m sitting at my parents’ dining table, and in front of us are lists and lists of names. They range from people we know well, like our families and the guys, through to mild acquaintances. We’re supposed to be getting this list down to under two hundred people because it’s the maximum capacity of the venue we’ve chosen for the engagement party. It’s surprisingly difficult to get under that number, though.

“It’s crazy that we have this many people on the list,” I say in exasperation.

“There were twice that many people at your birthday party, honey,” Heather tells me.

“I know, but who organized that? Does Cooper’s entire management team really have to come to our engagement party?”

“Probably not. Helen can come, though,” Heather says, striking four names off her list under Cooper and Helen’s names.

“What about Sierra Capitol Music executives?” Mom asks.

I look at the ten names under the heading on our list. I can’t see anyone that I would ever interact with outside of band business.

“Unless there’s any record label execs that you’re particularly attached to, Harrison, they can come to the wedding but not the engagement party?” Heather looks at me and I smile at her.

“New plan. Let’s just elope,” I suggest.

“Solid idea. Mom? Sarah? Thoughts?”

Both our moms look up from the lists in front of them and laugh.

“I never thought I’d say this, but yes, you should absolutely elope,” Mom says.

“We’ll just cancel everything. I’m sure all the services we’ve booked will be fine with that!” Lillian adds while grinning at us.

“Oh, sure, none of them seemed at all excited to be involved in the wedding of a member of Cruise Control when we booked them,” Heather laughs.

“They probably think if they do a good job, they can do more Cruise Control weddings in the future,” her mom adds.

“Maybe Gabriel and Ariana,” Mom suggests.

There’s an immediate tension in the air between Heather and myself at the mention of our friends. Our families don’t know much about what happened on theCards Have Been Dealttour between Gabriel and Ariana. Touring is strange; you’re cut off from your family and friends, completely isolated in this bubble of your tour family. Because it all went to shit before the tour ended, by the time we were home, there was no story to tell. Ariana was gone.

“Yeah, maybe,” Heather responds in an obviously annoyed tone, and I frown at her.

“Do you not like her, Heather?” Mom asks, looking curious.

“It’s complicated. Let’s just say that I’m not her biggest fan,” Heather says in a cool tone, and I frown at her.

“What about you, Harrison?” Mom turns to ask me.

I hate that there seem to be sides that people need to pick. It’s so childish, but ultimately, Gabriel is with Ariana, and we can’t change that. She seems to be good for him, too.

“I’m neutral. I think Gabriel is happy, and I’d like it to stay that way.”

“Yeah, well, he was happy before, wasn’t he?” Heather sighs and adds, “He was happy until he wasn’t.”

I’m so frustrated by this conversation. We’ve been over it repeatedly. Ever since the disaster at Seb's place last week, it’s been clear that their insistence on clinging on to what happened in the past risks breaking us all apart.

“We’ve talked about this, Heather. They’re together, and being angry about that isn’t going to change it.” I shrug my shoulders at her.

Lillian shifts in her seat, and my mom begins shuffling some of the papers in front of her. I fix Heather with a level stare because this isn’t exactly a conversation we should have here.

“Fine.” She takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. “I’m sorry, everyone. It’s been…an adjustment with her suddenly being back.”

I lean over and put my arm around her, pulling her close as she wraps her arms around my waist. I hold her close, relishing the feeling of having her in my arms. I hate that this issue is causing any tension between us because she’s the love of my life, and I don’t want any friction in our relationship.