Page 164 of Harrison's Wedding

I chuckle at Sebastian’s expression as I slip my arms around Heather’s waist while Sebastian racks up the balls for their game.

“I think you might have paid Seb back for the balloons, angel,” I smirk at Sebastian, “I think he just about had a heart attack, thinking that you were serious for a second.”

“My brain doesn’t work so well when it’s fueled by Glenfiddich,” Sebastian tells us with a laugh, as he lines up to break.

Between each shot, Heather waits for Sebastian to take his turn while standing in my arms. I continue what I’ve been doing, and Heather’s arousal is blatantly obvious to me. Her breathing is shallow and her pool game is getting worse with each shot.

It doesn’t take long for Sebastian to beat Heather. Even when he’s drunk, he can easily beat any of us, and Heather isn’t a great pool player at the best of times, much worse when she’s full of rum and drunk on lust. When Sebastian drops the black ball in the corner pocket to win the game, she congratulates him before turning immediately to kiss me passionately.

“Is something up, angel?” I ask quietly.

“I certainly fucking hope so,” she slips her hand between us to squeeze my semi-hard cock quickly before putting both arms around my neck to kiss me again.

“Tease,” I tell her when we come up for air.

Heather laughs, “Like you can talk. Don’t think that I don’t know what you’re doing, honey.”

I drop my head and kiss her neck before asking in her ear, “What am I doing, angel?”

“Driving me crazy, that’s what,” she shivers.

“Good, that’s what I was hoping to do,” I grin wickedly at her.

Sebastian walks over to us and says casually, “You know, I’ve always imagined Heather in my bed; I just expected that it would be me in there with her. The room’s free if you need it,” he winks at us.

I grin at him, “I’m about ten seconds away from taking you up on that offer!”

“Okay, Seb, I get the point,” Heather sighs dramatically and puts a tiny bit of distance between herself and me.

I make sure to keep her on edge for the rest of the night. I touch her and kiss her and whisper to her about all the things I’m going to do to her as soon as we’re alone. Later in the evening, Heather switches to water, and so do I.

Near the end of the night, there is a round of very drunk speeches from the people who are still at the party. They’re far more inappropriate than the ones that were given at our engagement party. Embarrassing stories that could never have been shared in front of our grandparents.

When we’re leaving, Heather thanks Ariana for helping Sebastian to organize the party.

“I hadnothingto do with the balloons, just so you know,” Ariana laughs.

“No, just for the polyester,” she grins at her.

“Yes, just that,” Ariana winks.

Heather looks over to the corner of the room where Sebastian is making out with a brunette woman, and I can’t quite tell who it is, but I know it’s not Nikki, who’s blonde like Heather.

“Tell Seb I said thanks for the great party,” Heather says.

“Will do. Have a great night, guys.” Ariana gives us a hug.

As we make our way to the elevator to leave, Heather pops one of the balloons with her face on it and calls out to the room, “That’s what I think of that!”



As announced in their prime-time interview last month, Cruise Control bass guitarist, Harrison Fletcher and his fiancée, Heather York, will be tying the knot this month.

The wedding is being held at an exclusive Chicago hotel, with many celebrities flying into the city in order to attend the star-studded event.

After a year of strong rumors of a potential break-up, Cruise Control released their third studio album last month and it is currently charting at number one in the Billboard Top 100.