Page 163 of Harrison's Wedding

I know this has turned her on, because her breathing catches softly before she resumes her haughty demeanor and tells me, “Yes, that is exactly so. I can never get past this.”

I pull her tighter against me, ignoring a twinge in my ribs as I lower my head further and kiss her neck before drawing my tongue up in a line back to her ear and saying, “Are you really sure?”

Heather smiles, turns to face me, and meets my lips with hers to kiss me. When our kiss ends, she laughs. “Okay, I mightjustbe able to forgive you, but only because you’re a fucking sex god.” She turns her head to smirk at Sebastian. “So, you’re shit out of luck on the forgiveness front, Seb!”

“You know what,lover?” He emphasizes the word heavily, “That look on your face was worth it. I have no regrets.”

“I see you’re back with Nikki this evening?” Heather raises an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah. I do have a one-time-only policy, so she should be off the table, but I might have to make an exception for the York women, you know? We’ll see what happens; there are a few options here tonight.”

He grins at Heather, and she says in a serious tone, “Please don’t be a dick to my family, darling. If you’re not going to sleep with her, don’t lead her on, at least.”

I’m glad she asked him this, because I was worried from the way Nikki spoke about him. Sebastian has a ‘personal rule’ of only ever sleeping with a woman once, and it sounds like he might have slept with her at our engagement party. Still, he was showing her attention tonight, which would be enough to get her hopes up.

“Why must you always ruin my fun?” Sebastian rolls his eyes at Heather.

“I thought I was your fun?” She laughs back at him.

I order a whisky from the bartender, and after I have it in my hand, we circulate throughout the room. All of our closest family and friends are here tonight. We left our parents off the guest list, of course, but everyone else has turned up.

Heather takes a selfie of herself with one of the balloons and posts on Instagram with the caption:

@sebastianfoxofficial can rot in hell for these! Life pro-tip, balloons with your face on them are never flattering! #partyhard #HarrisonandHeatherWedding #SebsHouseIsAboutToGetTrashed

A few minutes later, she shows her phone to me and says, “She’s the sweetest kid!”

I look at the screen and see a comment on her post from @meggggzy2005.

Every picture of you is pretty @heatheryorkofficial! I can’t wait to see your wedding dress!

“She’s also completely right,” I smile at her, “every picture of you is perfect.”

“You’re biased.” Heather sticks her tongue out at me and a shot of arousal heads straight to my crotch. “Would you be okay if I invited Megan to come to the wedding?”

I don’t care who comes to the wedding. I only care that there is one. If Heather wants to invite this fan, that’s fine by me.

“I’m fine with that, angel. As long as you are there saying ‘I do,’ it doesn’t matter to me who else is in attendance.”

I kiss her deeply, taking my time to explore her mouth with my tongue, and we’re both breathless when our kiss ends. Heather looks at me for a few seconds, her desire written all over her expression, then she looks down at her phone to send Megan a message.

Hey, Megan. Thanks for the comment and being such a great fan. Do you want to come to the wedding? If you do, shoot me your address and I’ll send you an invite. Your parents can come, too, of course.

Heather laughs when Megan’s reply shows up on the screen almost instantaneously.

Are you SERIOUS?!?!?!? OMG YES!!!!!

The next message includes the address for where to send Megan’s invitation, and Heather tells her she’ll have it sent on Monday.

I take her to get another drink, and I’m amused when she orders a rum and Coke. We’re both getting kind of tipsy, I think. Heather is being handsy with me, brushing her hand against my ass or crotch whenever she thinks she can make it seem like an accident.

In return, I’ve been kissing her whenever I feel the urge, and whispering things into her ear. I occasionally stroke her arm, or her thigh, or her neck, lightly with my fingers. Nothing that will look untoward to our guests, but I know that it will turn her on.

We make our way over to the pool table, where Sebastian is holding court as the reigning champion of the evening. Apparently, he beat Jake on roughly the fourth game that anyone had played tonight and has since beaten everyone else.

“You want to play with me, lover?” Sebastian asks with a wink, “And I don’t mean pool, of course!”

Heather laughs, “Well, I am horny as fuck, right now! Let’s go, then…” she pauses just long enough for Sebastian to get a stunned look on his face before she continues, “and I do mean pool, of course!”