I pull my phone out and send a text to Hayden.
Hey, I won’t be home tonight. Can you bring my suitcase to the airport? It’s packed and ready to go in the closet of my bedroom.
I dish myself up a plate of food and eat it while reading news articles on my phone. Halfway through my meal, a reply from Hayden shows up.
Can do. Enjoy your evening.
I’m sure he thinks I’ll be spending the night with Heather, which isn’t far from the truth since I’ll be calling her soon. When I’ve finished eating, I put the leftover food in the fridge for now. I’ll have to dispose of it tomorrow so it doesn’t go bad while this place sits empty.
I head to the bedroom and lie on the bed to call Heather. “Hi, angel. How was your evening?”
“It was interesting.” She sounds strained and guarded.
“Everything okay?” I ask her.
She doesn’t answer immediately, but when she does, she sighs and says, “Yeah, it’s fine. I’d much rather have seen you, instead.”
I wonder what she did this evening, but I also want to respect her privacy. It’s obvious from her response that she doesn’t want to talk about it, so I don’t ask what it was.
“Well, I will always prefer seeing you to doing literally anything else,” I tell her.
“Is that so?” she asks me, and I can hear the smile in her voice.
“It is,” I confirm.
“Winning a Grammy?”
“I’ve got enough of those. I’ll never get enough of you,” I tell her.
“Going to a castle and meeting royalty?”
“Why would I travel somewhere to meet the ruler of a distant country when I have a queen right here?”
“What about traveling to Mars? Or the moon?” she laughs.
“Are you there? I mean, I can see it being worth the trip if you were.”
“I’m not there.”
“Then, no. Sounds terrible, honestly,” I chuckle.
She pauses for a few seconds, then gasps.
“What about beating Sebastian at pool?” she asks me.
I burst into laughter and tell her, “Okay,maybethat one, but I bet you’d want to be there to see it.”
“That’s true, I would,” she laughs, before she falls silent again.
I consider telling her where I am, but I decide not to. I’m not sure if my being here will make her feel pressured to come here, too.
“I’m going to miss you while you’re in California,” she tells me.
“I’ll miss you, too.”
“I’llespeciallymiss playing your fancy guitar…” she trails off, and I chuckle as a shot of arousal heads to my cock.
As I’m sure Heather expected, her comment leads to us having phone sex. I come to the sounds of her panting and moaning in my ear while wishing I was inside her.