“Yes, sir. Have a great evening.” He nods his head and gets back in the car.
I feel like I’m floating on air as I travel up to Heather’s apartment and knock on the door. She pulls it open, and my heart leaps at the sight of her. Her hair is loose and flowing down her back. She’s wearing a flowery short skirt and a tight black silk blouse. She looks beautiful and sexy, and I’m incredibly aroused.
She pokes her head into the hallway and peers from side to side before asking in a hushed tone, “Did you bring the goods?”
“Yes. Do you have the payment? It had better be all there, too, or the deal’s off,” I tell her in a whisper.
“Come in. I think the Feds are on to us.” She hurries me into the apartment and closes the door before laughing.
“Your arancini, madam,” I tell her as I hold the food from Giovanni’s out to her with a flourish.
“I think the question is, how long will the food stay hot?” she asks with a mischievous grin.
I allow my gaze to roam over her from head to toe, then tell her. “I think it’ll be fine, and we can always heat it up if we need to. Are you not hungry, angel?”
“I’m hungry forsomething,” she says, unbuttoning the top button of her blouse.
“Do go on,” I tell her.
She unbuttons the second button and walks backward to the kitchen. I set my guitar case carefully by the door before following her. I deposit the food in the refrigerator and turn to look at Heather as she undoes a third button. Her red lacy bra is clearly visible now, and I take a few steps so that I’m standing right in front of her. She tilts her head to look into my eyes and grins at me.
“Should we take this to my bedroom?” she asks.
For a second, a pang of hurt hits me at the reminder that it’sherbedroom, and not one that we share. But I push it away and smile back at her as she untucks her blouse and unbuttons the fourth and fifth buttons. She drops her hands and the blouse hangs open, only just covering her breasts.
“I think that’s a very good idea,” I murmur.
I don’t move, though. Instead, I reach my hands out and slip them under the two sides of her blouse. I slide them down the sides of her breasts, pushing the blouse back to expose the view of them in her red bra to me.
I rest my hands on either side of her waist, then drop my head to softly kiss her neck. Heather’s breath catches when I do, and I pull my head back to look her in the eyes.
“I’ve missed you,” I tell her.
She smiles at me. “I’ve missed you, too.”
I slip the blouse off her, kissing her right shoulder as I do. I fold the item of clothing neatly and say, “Follow me, angel.”
I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom that we slept in on Sunday night. I set the blouse aside before wrapping my arms around Heather and kissing her deeply. I relish her kiss, the floral scent she carries, and the feeling of having her in my arms. We stand next to the bed and kiss for a long time.
Eventually, Heather breaks our kiss and asks, “I’d really like to see your fancy guitar now.”
She reaches between us to stroke the bulge in my jeans and I laugh, “Is that what we’re calling it from now on?”
“Maybe,” she says as she drops to her knees in front of me, and I groan in response. “I guess that makes me a guitarist.”
I chuckle as she undoes my jeans and pulls them to my ankles. She strokes my cock through my briefs, and I groan again. Heather releases my erection from my underwear and wraps her lips around me as soon as she does. Waves of pleasure hit me and I love her so much, I’m in complete ecstasy right now.
“You’re going to need to stop that, angel,” I tell her when my orgasm gets too close.
She removes me from her mouth painfully slowly and smirks at me. “My guitar playing skill clearly outmatches yours.”
“Clearly, it does,” I laugh. “Take your skirt off and get on the bed, angel.”
She unfastens her skirt and drops it to the floor before climbing onto the bed and lying back against the pillows.
I raise an eyebrow at her, then point at the skirt in amusement. “This is what you do now?”
“Yup,” she laughs. “You’d be amazed how much of a slob I’ve become. I didn’t even use a coaster on the coffee table yesterday.”