Page 141 of Harrison's Wedding

“Most people do,” Sebastian grins.

“No doubt,” Xavier agrees as he goes on to shake Gabriel's and Hayden’s hands in greeting. “Well, let’s go see Felicity, Harrison. Also, would you gentlemen mind if we take video and photographs? We would’ve wanted to video you getting the guitar anyway, Harrison. The entire band being here, however, is good promotion for the Cruise Control branded clinics.”

We all agree, and Xavier swiftly gets someone to follow us around with a video camera. Another person snaps candid photographs of us as we make our way through their office.

“Harrison!” Felicity says when I walk into the room she’s in, then she does a double take. “Oh, wow, the whole gang is here.”

“Yeah, these guys don’t have lives,” I laugh. “They have nothing better to do than follow me around, don’t you know?”

Gabriel shoves me, and I laugh harder.

“I see,” Felicity grins. “Well, let’s get your guitar back to its rightful owner, and then we can do another tour of the factory.”

“How did you know I was going to ask?” I raise my eyebrows at her.

“Let’s call it a hunch,” she says and winks at me.

She heads to the side of the room and gets the familiar blue guitar case out. When I have the bass back in my hands, it feels so right. I think back to the hours I spent playing this at Galena and smile.

“So, we took your feedback and made the changes to the pickups that you requested. Which means it should be exactly to your specifications. We’re also officially in production now, which is exciting.”

I strum the guitar, playing the bass line for “If I Were You.” It’s as beautiful an instrument as ever, and I smile because the song makes me think about Heather. Everything in the world seems lighter and easier since the weekend.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough, Felicity. Can I post a pic on social media of the guitar?”

“Yup. Our promotional posts with the picture of you from last time went up two weeks ago, so you’re good to go.”

Gabriel takes a photo of me with my phone, and I look at it. The awesome factory is in the background, seen through the glass windows. Most importantly, I’m beaming at the camera, and I realize that I’mhappy. I post the picture to Instagram.

I’m so honored that @reidmusicofficial made me my own #signatureguitar. This is the bass guitar to end all bass guitars, and this is what I used to record #GamesWePlay. I love it, guys!

As soon as I post it, I start getting notifications. I haven’t really posted anything on social media lately. I didn’t want the comments, either positive or negative. But, I can see that most of the comments so far are supportive, and I smile when someone asks where they can get a guitar like mine.

While I have my phone open, I send a text to Heather.

Are you free this evening?

My heart thrums in my chest as I hit send. I don’t think I’ve ever been nervous to send Heather a message, but I actually am. I fully expect her to tell me that it’s all too much too soon, but we’ve barely made it downstairs to the factory floor when I get a reply.

I believe I have some space free in my calendar. What are you thinking?

Sebastian is talking excitedly about the guitars they’re making, and he’s obviously as in awe as we all were when we first visited this place. I can’t focus on the factory today, though. I type a reply to Heather.

I thought maybe I could get arancini from Giovanni’s and show you my fancy guitar.

Her reply makes me chuckle, and brings with it images of her in bed with me.

I’ve seen your fancy guitar plenty of times. You mean that thing you keep in your jeans that I love having in my mouth…right?

In some ways, it feels as though nothing has changed between us. Her casual reminder of the number of times she’s given me head. Sending dirty texts to each other. It’s all so normal. And yet, I can’t forget how fucking lucky I am to be doing this.

Yes, and also the bass guitar Reid Music made for me. Which do you want in your mouth more, though? The arancini, or my fancy guitar…

I follow the guys across to where blocks of wood are being shaped into instruments, and my phone buzzes in my hand.

Definitely your fancy guitar. A girl can never get enough of playing guitar, right?

I’m very aware of the cameras following us around, so I slip my phone into my pocket, even as it buzzes with another message from Heather. I desperately want to reply, but I also figure I should probably try not to get a boner in the middle of the Reid Music factory. I don’t want to push my luck with them on the morality clause issue.