Page 134 of Harrison's Wedding

“Anyway, how was your flight? All good?” I ask Ally.

The conversation moves on, to my relief, and we have a good evening together. Ally’s here in Chicago for Gabriel’s thirtieth birthday party tomorrow. I leave them watching a movie and head to bed alone. I’m in a strange mood, and I know it’s because I’m going to see Heather tomorrow.

I keep thinking about our last kiss, and a part of me hopes that we can be together again, while an equal part of me expects that each is the day she will finally tell me she wants to sell our apartment. Eventually, I fall asleep thinking about Heather and wishing she was in bed with me.

Heather is on my mind the entirety of the next day, and by the time I’m getting ready for the party, I’m a bundle of nerves. Just knowing that I’m going to be in the same place as Heather is both exciting and terrifying.

I take off the necklace with Heather’s ring hanging on it and carefully set it in the necklace box the way I do each time I take it off. I snap the box shut and put it away in my bedside drawer before I head to the shower.

I wash my hair, wondering what Heather will be wearing tonight. Will she have designed a dress to wear? Who will she come with? Sebastian? Gabriel and Ariana?

Did I wash my hair?

I can’t remember, so I wash my hair to be sure. I don’t want my hair to be unwashed when I see Heather tonight. I leave the shower and take my time shaving, being as careful as possible so I don’t cut myself.

Finally, I get my tuxedo on. I pull my shoes on, then attempt tying my bow tie twice before giving up when it’s lopsided each time.

“Hayden?” I call out as I leave my bedroom.

He appears in the open door of his bedroom and asks, “What’s up?”

“Can you tie my bow tie?” I ask him with a chagrined smile.

“You really need to learn how to do it yourself, you know.” He rolls his eyes at me, but he laughs as he does.

“Why? I’ve got you, and if you’re not around, I have—” I cut myself off because I realize that I don’t have Heather to do it anymore.

My nerves over seeing her tonight hit me in full force again. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as I hold the bow tie out to Hayden.

He must have noticed my unfinished sentence because his smile slips and he nods at me. “Come here.”

I walk into his bedroom and stand near the bed, holding my chin in the air while he ties it for me. Ally comes out of the bathroom, dressed in a beautiful black dress and holding a makeup bag as Hayden finishes.

“Looking good, Harrison.”

“Thanks.” I step back from Hayden and smile at her. “You look gorgeous, Ally.”

“She really does,” Hayden agrees.

He strides over to her and wraps his arms around her.

“Don’t kiss me, I’ve just finished my lipstick,” she laughs.

Hayden kisses her neck, and I look away, feeling as though I’m intruding on this moment. Longing for Heather begins to overwhelm me, and I’m grateful for the distraction when Hayden speaks to me.

“The limousine will be here soon. Should we have a drink before we leave?”

“Sure,” I agree.

We have some whisky while we wait for the car to arrive, and when it does, we head downstairs. I’m grateful there’s no paparazzi here today because we have to exit through the front of the building to get into the limousine. Even with bodyguards, that’s not fun.

I don’t realize my error until we reach the venue and there is a horde of paparazzi out the front. Instinctively, I place my hand to my chest to feel the comfort of Heather’s ring, and I remember with horror that I left it in the bedside drawer.

“What’s wrong, Harrison?” Ally asks.

“I forgot my necklace,” I say to Hayden.

We haven’t really talked about how much I rely on the comfort of that piece of jewelry, but I’ve seen him notice me touching it when I need to.