“Okay, I’ll go distract people elsewhere,” I laugh.
My heart is still racing when I knock on Harrison’s door and he answers it.
“Is Heather here?” I ask him.
“She is,” Heather calls from the sitting area of his suite.
I walk in there to see her sitting sideways in an armchair with her phone in one hand, which is hanging limply at her side right now.
“I need your help,” I tell her as I drop onto a sofa.
“Sounds intriguing,” she says as she spins her body round to sit normally in the chair.
“Well, I’ve written a song about Ariana…”
Heather darts a glance at Harrison before asking innocently, “Have you?”
“Yes, I have, and if you think I don’t know Harrison has already told you that, then you’re sorely mistaken,” I grin at her.
“It was actually Seb who told me first. Sucks to be you,” Heather laughs. “Okay, so you’re performing it tomorrow. What do you need my help with?”
I take a deep breath and I wish my heart would beat at its normal rhythm because I’m starting to feel like I might be about to have a heart attack.
“I want to tell Ariana that I’m in love with her,” I say, feeling the heat rushing to my cheeks. I’m incredibly aware that Harrison is sitting nearby and listening to this conversation. “I want to make some kind of big gesture, and I thought you’d be the perfect person to help plan it.”
Heather’s delight is obvious; she claps her hands in excitement. “Oh my god, yes! I’m so here for this!”
“I’ll leave you two to your planning.” Harrison walks over to kiss Heather, then says, “I’ll be with Seb or Hayden if you need me, angel. Good luck, Gabriel.”
He smiles at me, and I’m grateful that my friend is as tactful as he is. We bid him goodbye as he leaves the hotel room and I look back at Heather.
She grins at me. “Okay, so what are you thinking?”
“I don’t know. I want her to be in the Pit when I sing her song, then I was thinking of doing something after the concert. You’re a woman, what would you want?”
She laughs. “Harrison was a broke nineteen-year-old when he told me he loved me. I was just glad he said it at all. You can do something amazing, though.”
“Yeah, but what? I’m no good at this,” I groan.
“Well, it’s Ariana, so nothing public, which basically limits you to the venue, the tour bus, or the hotel. I mean, you could rent a museum or something…” Heather trails off.
My eyes widen because I feel like that’s something Ariana would love. I try and think about how I want to say it to her. I want her to hear the song first, then to tell her afterward.
I start thinking out loud. “Would a museum work? We could go there after the concert. Oh, damn, most museums would have security cameras. I don’t know if she’d want it filmed. Something at the hotel is probably best.”
“Well, let’s go downstairs. We can talk to the hotel manager and see if they have any ideas. They might be able to help us out.” Heather sees the look on my face as she says this. “We won’t give them any clue about the name of the person you’re in love with.”
“Okay,” I agree and nod. “Thanks, Heather. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Suck at romance, obviously.” She winks at me as she stands up from the chair.
“Well, I thought that went without saying,” I laugh back at her.
* * *
The next day,we arrive back at the hotel after the soundcheck for the concert. Most of the time, I dislike early soundchecks and going back to the hotel between those and the concert. I much prefer staying at the venue, but today I’m grateful for the time in between.
I can’t help grinning at Ariana as I walk into the room and see her sitting on the bed. She’s so beautiful, and I can’t wait for the surprise I have planned for her.