Page 46 of Gabriel's Album

The interview winds up, and we head to the radio station’s reception area to have our photo taken with the DJs in front of the station’s sign. Claire asks for a photo with just me, and I oblige, putting my arm around her shoulders while we pose.

“Here.” She hands me a business card. “Just in case you want to call with any questions or anything.”

She’s blushing furiously, and I nod as I put the card in my pocket. I feel bad for her; she’s cute, but I'm not interested because I have a girlfriend, and she doesn’t know that.

“Thanks. I’ll pass it on to Kendall in case she needs to get in touch.” I try to let her down as gently as I can.

“Of course,” she says flatly, looking disappointed.

We make our way back outside, and sure enough, as soon as we’re out of the studio, Sebastian says, “Looks like you had a big fan in there, Gabriel.”

“Yeah, I noticed.”

“All the women want you. All the men want to be you. It must be hard being you,” Hayden grins at me.

I roll my eyes but don’t respond, and both of them laugh.

“It’s all right, Perfect Gabriel.” Harrison claps his hand on my shoulder and grins at me. “I’ve got your back, bro.”

“Gee, thanks. With friends like you guys…”

I trail off into laughter as we approach the minivan again. There’s a group of fans waiting for us, and we sign some album covers before we get in the car.

Sebastian climbs on the back of the motorcycle and waves to the fans as they drive away. We get in the minivan and head toThe Today Show, where we’ll be performing three songs before we go back to the hotel for more interviews.

We get to Rockefeller Plaza, and there’s a mammoth crowd of fans waiting for our performance. We can hear the screaming from inside the minivan as soon as Sebastian comes into view of the fans.

“Whoa,” Hayden says.

“Quite a few people slept out last night,” Kendall informs us.

We’re taken to a room in the studio’s building to get ready for the performance.

“How crazy was the crowd outside?” Sebastian asks us when we catch up with him.

“Insane,” Hayden agrees.

The studio is full of people rushing us around as we get ready. We’re hustled from room to room until we’re finally standing in the entrance to the building five minutes before we go onstage.

The fans are screaming hysterically as we stand there, and Sebastian walks all the way to the doorway to wave at them, laughing as the screaming reaches a fever pitch.

“Having fun?” Hayden asks when he walks back to us.

“Yup. I saw some really hot chicks there. Too bad the sexiest one had a sign saying how much she loves Gabriel,” he smirks at me.

“She’s all yours, I assure you, since I’m taken,” I grin at him.

“Could you do me a favor and tell the world, then? It would really help me out if people knew you were off the market,” he teases me.

I laugh. “I’m sure Ariana will be fine with her identity being revealed to the world as long as she knows it’s because you want to get laid.”

Although I’m joking with Sebastian, I’m reminded of Ariana telling me yesterday that she wanted to leave. I can’t help but wonder exactly how long we’ll be able to be together if she’s not truly committed to me. The fact that she was so quick to say she wanted to leave is terrifying.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts as we’re instructed to head out onto the stage. I follow Sebastian and Hayden to even louder screams from the crowd filling the plaza. We’re escorted by a full security team through the crowd and onto the stage. The fans are crushed up against the stage, and I lean down and give a few of them high fives before I take my place in front of my microphone.

“New York City, make some noise!” I yell through it, and I am grateful for my earplugs when they scream in response.

Sebastian begins playing the opening riff for “Midnight Rebellion,” and the crowd keeps screaming. Hayden joins him on the drums and Harrison adds the bass, which is when I begin singing the first verse.