“What do you mean?” I reply, but I’m kind of unsurprised that he’s thinking the same thing as me.
“Does she think we don’t know that she’s going to be up in your room, screaming your name before lunchtime?” Sebastian smirks at me.
“Sebastian Fox!” Heather glares at him.
“What?” Sebastian gives her an innocent smile.
“You’re putting far too much faith in Gabriel’s sexual capabilities. It’ll take him at least until midnight to have her screaming his name.”
Sebastian bursts into laughter along with Heather, and even Harrison and Hayden are chuckling while I roll my eyes at them.
“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“Hey, I’m just going on what I’ve been told.” Heather shrugs.
I narrow my eyes at her. “Just what have you been told?”
The doors open on the tenth floor, and Heather walks backward through them with a grin on her face. “I would never betray Ariana’s confidence.”
She mimes zipping her lips as she spins around to head toward her room, and I laugh at her.
“You know I hate you, right?” I call out because she’s walking off quickly.
Heather flips me the bird over her head as she keeps walking down the corridor.
“Very mature, Heather York!”
She’s obviously found the room that she and Harrison are staying in because she swipes the keycard in her hand against the door, turns to grin at me, then blows me a kiss as she opens it and walks inside.
“I’ll see you guys later,” Harrison says, smiling at us.
“Tell Heather I’ll be in room 1042 if she decides to break up with you today,” Sebastian smirks.
“Of course,” Harrison laughs and waves at us as he walks off.
We’ve stopped out the front of my room, 1027.
“You think today’s the day you’ll get lucky, Seb?” I ask him.
“A man can dream, I guess,” he tells me, laughing as he continues down the hall. “I’ll see you later.”
In our group, we’ve had a running joke for years that Heather will dump Harrison for Sebastian one day. I can’t even remember how it started, probably because they’re such good friends, and probably because Sebastian sleeps with so many women, but Heather’s basically the one woman hewon’tsleep with.
Hayden’s still standing next to me as we watch Sebastian walk away, and I ask him, “You want to come into my room or something, dude?”
“Well, I mean, I’m no Ariana…” he grins at me.
“Aww, don’t sell yourself short. I’m sure there’s plenty of guys who’d love to have you in their room.”
“Well, thanks, but I’m actually in the room across from yours.” He gestures to the door that’s opposite to mine and starts to walk toward it. “Timer’s on. I’ll be sure to let Heather know when I hear Ariana screaming your name.”
Goddamn, my friends, they can be such douchebags sometimes. I swipe my keycard and push open the door to my suite. My jaw drops open because I’ve been in some fancy as hell hotel rooms, but this one takes the fucking cake.
We’ve been staying in suites whenever we’ve been in a city for more than one night, but they pale in comparison to this one. It’s amazing. It’s basically an apartment, and I wander around it, checking out the different rooms. I’m shaking my head as I look around my room, then when I look into the attached bathroom, my jaw drops again.
There’s an entire six-seat fucking jacuzzi in the middle of it. That isnotnormal. Sure, spa baths are pretty standard, but this is amazing. I shake my head and go back into the main living area; I can’t wait to show this place to Ariana.
I want to get changed first, though. We’ve got the day to ourselves, and I thought that maybe we could go to Saks and do some shopping. A staff member has brought my luggage up, and I go through it to pull out some casual trousers which I wear with a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.