“What can I say? I was distracted by this hot-as-shit fan in the front row. Hopefully, security will get her backstage for me.” Sebastian has his own smirk on his face when he says it.
Harrison shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “Anyway, great show, guys.”
I high-five him as Ariana walks up to me. I step forward, place my arms around her waist, and spin her around in circles, causing her to laugh.
“Did you enjoy the show?” I ask her after putting her down.
“Absolutely! You were amazing, Gabe.”
“I was, wasn’t I!” I say unashamedly, and she hits me playfully on the arm.
I lead her down a corridor to my dressing room and open the door. She walks through in front of me and sits down in a cushy armchair in the corner of the room. I shut the door behind me and walk over to the rack that my regular clothes are hung on.
“What were you and Heather laughing about?” I ask her as I pull my sweaty concert t-shirt over my head, standing topless for a moment. Ariana blinks at me as if she’s struggling to focus, and I’m pleased with the effect that I have on her.
“Oh, there was a comment from one of the fans who thought you were singing ‘If I Were You’ to her.”
“Aha, she must’ve been behind you, then.” I smile at her, then ask, “Did you like the song?”
“Yeah, it was beautiful. I hadn’t heard you perform that one live before. It’s such a wistful and dreamy song. Whenever I hear it, I imagine this beautiful beach with a storm rolling in across the ocean.”
“You really do have a way with words, you know,” I tell her, completely able to envisage what she’s describing.
I cross the room to where she’s sitting. I still haven’t put a new shirt on, and I’m probably sweaty and disgusting, but Ariana doesn’t seem to mind. I place a hand on either side of the armchair, trapping her in it. I bend down and kiss her on the lips, thoroughly exploring her mouth with my tongue and moving my hands to cradle her head while we kiss.
When it ends, I kiss her lightly on her forehead and leave the room to shower in the attached en suite, and I can hear Ariana breathing heavily as I walk away from her. If I stayed much longer, I was definitely going to fuck her. I don’t really have time right now because I have to get to the meet and greet.
I stand under the warm spray and smile to myself. Tonight’s show was amazing, and I loved getting to watch Ariana enjoying our show. Normally she’s in the area to the side of the stage, and I barely get to see her.
It’s crazy how attached I’ve become to her already. I only met her just under two months ago, but I’m happy I did. She’s like a calm, soothing balm amidst all of this craziness, and I’m so glad that she came on tour with us. Sure, the sex is great, but it’s just really grounding to have her here; she’s a tiny bit of normality for me on this tour.
I turn off the shower, step out, and grab a towel that I wrap around my waist. I walk into the dressing room and can’t help but notice that Ariana is basically looking at me as though she wants to jump my bones. I smile at her, and she blushes bright red, making me grin even harder.
I turn to face the rack where my clothes are hanging and drop the towel into the laundry hamper next to it while fighting an erection because I’m naked, Ariana is about ten feet away, and I know exactly how much pleasure she can give me.
As I get myself under control, I grab my jeans off the rack, along with a pair of briefs. I pull both the briefs and jeans on before turning around. I lean casually against the bench, then wait for Ariana to look at me.
She’s looking away as though I need some kind of privacy from her. I mean, I do, but only because she turns me on like crazy and I have to go meet fans. When she does look at me, her face is flushed, and I can tell that she’s aroused, causing me to struggle with my body’s response to that knowledge…again.
“See anything you like, Ari?” I taunt her with a wink.
“You know what my favorite thing is about Easter?” she asks.
I’m confused as hell by this change of topic and why she’s talking about Easter when it’s literally July.
“No, what?” I ask her.
“Hot cross buns,” she smirks at me.
“Very funny,” I grin at her, and I’m thoroughly amused as I pull a clean t-shirt on because I didn’t see that one coming. “Let’s go; I’m pretty sure I’m running late for the meet and greet.”
Ariana stands up and follows me out of the door as we make our way to the meet and greet. This is one of my favorite parts of concerts. Most of the fans are genuinely nice, and I’m truly grateful for them. Without them, I wouldn’t have half of what I do. So, it’s always nice to get to meet them, take a photo, talk to them, and find out what songs they like the best.
As we walk through the main backstage area, Ariana follows slightly behind me, and I sigh mentally. She’s so paranoid about anyone knowing that we’re together. Pretty much all of the crew know, but after shows, there’s always a chance of random fans hanging around. You know, the ones that get backstage by giving sexual favors to security, or because Sebastian thought they looked hot.
As we near the room for the meet and greet, our tour manager, Tanya, is peering out of the door to the room it’s being held in. She sees me and frowns.
“You’re late, Gabriel.”