I’m already hard by the time we’re standing next to her bed, and I slowly unzip her dress, push the straps off her shoulders, and let it pool at her feet. I can see her nipples puckering against her bra, and my erection stiffens as my gaze roams over her.
I kiss her, and revel in her soft moans as I softly stroke her nipples while I do. When our kiss ends, she watches me strip naked before I lie down on her bed and slip the condom I grabbed out of my jeans pocket onto my cock.
Ariana climbs onto me, and she feels so tight and wet and glorious around my cock. I love being inside her, and we move in rhythm until she moans my name as she comes. It’s less than a minute before I come as well.
We’re lying in bed together later that night when I say to her, “Tell me that you’ll come on tour with us. I am not ready to give you up, sweetheart.”
I feel like I might pass out from lack of oxygen as I hold my breath waiting for her response. I don’t want to fuck groupies on the tour; I want to fuck Ariana. Phone sex would be a pretty shitty substitute for what we just did together.
“I’ll think about it.”
I can’t stop the massive grin that comes over my face. It’s not a no. She doesn’t get a chance to say anything more than that before I lower my mouth back to hers and start round two.
For the next two weeks, we message back and forth almost constantly and talk on the phone about the idea of her coming on tour. We see each other whenever we can fit it in around my tour prep and her work, and we fuck alot.
Finally, two days before the tour is meant to leave, and right when I start to think I’m going to have to make do with my hand for company for months on end, she finds a sublease for her apartment and agrees to come with us.
When she does, I tell her, “I’m so glad my girlfriend is going to be coming on tour with me.”
Ariana turns bright red and I don’t give her a chance to respond; I just kiss her.
The Fifth Song
We’ve beenon tour for over a week now, and it’s been absolutely epic. I don’t think anyone could ever have prepared me for our first concert tour. Obviously, we’ve performed live before, but this is next-level shit.
Performing at awards shows is probably the closest we’d come to it. Thousands and thousands of people pack into the arenas each night, just to see us. I always get hit with nerves right before we perform, but once we’re onstage and performing, it’s like nothing else. None of us have ever really been big into drugs, but it’s the biggest high I’ve ever had.
When we’re not doing sound checks, interviews, or performing, I’m spending all my time with Ariana. We’ve hung out with the other guys a bit, and they’ve all told me that they like her. Even Sebastian grudgingly admitted it three days ago.
We’re on our way back from meeting some competition winners and doing an interview with a local radio station’s DJs before tonight’s show, and Hayden is walking next to me.
“Ariana’s going to be in the Pit tonight, isn’t she?” he asks.
The Pit is what we call the area between the barrier holding back the general admission audience and the concert’s stage.
“Yeah, she is.”
Last night, Heather convinced Ariana to come into the Pit with her to watch tonight’s concert, and I’m really nervous about Ariana being there to watch me. I just want her to have a good time, and Heather’s said it’s a lot better than watching from backstage.
“Are you nervous?” Hayden asks me shrewdly.
He knows me too well, and I smile at him. “A little bit.”
“You’ll be fine; just imagine her naked or something.”
“‘Gabriel Knight Gets Boner Onstage’ sounds like a great headline for tomorrow’s newspaper,” I grin at him.
Hayden laughs. “Any publicity is good publicity, right?”
We’re both laughing as we reach the main backstage area. I can see Ariana sitting on a wooden chair near the stairs to the stage, and I smile when I see her. She’s looking down at her phone, and I long to run my fingers through her long, brown hair. It’s falling down around her face, and she looks so sweet and normal amidst the craziness of people running around backstage.
I stride quickly toward her. She looks up from her phone and sees me, causing a smile to cross her face, and I feel my heart swell. I’m so lucky to have her.
“Hey, sweetheart,” I greet her. “Are you ready for the show?”
“I sure am,” she says as she stands up, and I give her a hug before kissing her firmly on the lips.