Page 24 of Gabriel's Album

“Hey buddy, you’ve got your picture, it’s probably time to leave now,” Sebastian growls at the photographer.

“Who’s the chick?” the man asks in reply.

“She’s none of your business,” I snap at him.

“Come on, Gabriel,” the man sneers at me. “Surely, you know that your businessismy business?”

“Be that as it may,” I tell him, channeling every ounce of strength to keep myself calm, “We won’t be telling you her name.”

“Hey girly,” the man addresses Ariana. “Show us your face, babe!”

I feel her press her face harder against my chest, and I wrap my arms tighter around her, wanting more than anything to keep her safe. It is crystal clear to me that if she didn’t want her photo taken on the red carpet, she absolutely won’t want him to get a picture of her face to go with the one of us practically screwing on the dance floor tonight.

I feel more than hear her tell me, “I want to leave.”

“I know, sweetheart,” I mutter to her. “I want to leave too.”

“What’s that you’re saying?” the asshole pesters me with a sleazy smile on his face. “Just give me a name, and I’ll leave you alone.”

“It’s April Conway,” Hayden tells him. “She doesn’t want to ruin her image.”

God love Hayden, but I doubt this tactic is going to work. Sure enough, the photographer isn’t buying it.

“April Conway is blonde,” the man counters.

“She’s wearing a wig so she can be less conspicuous.” Hayden shrugs his shoulders as he replies.

“I don’t believe you. Why would she do that when it’s her party?” he spits at us.

“Well, it’s the best you’re gonna get,” Hayden informs him in a cool tone.

The photographer seems to weigh his options. He can stand here, wasting his time arguing with us, or he can go try to find someone else to harass. Hayden gave him something to work with, and the more time he spends here with us when we’re clearly not budging on our position, the more chance he’ll miss out on some other picture.

I feel a massive wave of relief wash over me when he finally shrugs and walks away from us.

“I think you’re safe now,” Sebastian tells us.

“Okay, we’re leaving,” I say. “Keep your head down, Ari.”

I move so that I’m next to her, but I keep my arm around her. Sebastian flanks her on the other side, and Hayden’s bringing up the rear. She’s looking at the floor as we move deeper into the club.

“I thought you said we were leaving?” she squeaks, sounding alarmed.

Poor Ariana, she’s clearly freaked out. I just want to get her out of here and hold her and fuck her and make her forget all of this happened. But I’m not sure this won’t be our last date, because it doesn’t seem as though she wants to be a part of my life. I push away the thought and answer her question.

“We are leaving, sweetheart. What we don’t want to do is leave through the main entrance and have our pictures taken on the way out.”

Sebastian’s on the phone to the car company, organizing to have a limousine brought around. Finally, we reach a door with a green exit sign hanging above it.

“Okay, you can go.” Sebastian nods at us as he hangs up the phone.

I will send him the most expensive fucking bottle of Glenfiddich tomorrow to thank him for this.

“All right, thanks for all your help, guys. Have a great night.”

“Will do. Take care.” Hayden smiles at me.

“Now, Ariana, there are still likely to be some paparazzi outside this door, so keep your head down and let your hair hang down around your face, it should keep you fairly protected. I’ll go out ahead of you, so if you stay close to me, they shouldn’t be able to get a picture of your face.”