Page 17 of Gabriel's Album

She’s been working as the receptionist for an accounting firm, and we text back and forth during her workday. I try to send her funny pics to keep her entertained. Nothing makes me happier than when she tells me that I’ve made her laugh.

“Any word yet on the internships you applied for?”

Ariana sighs. “Nope, nothing. I’m starting to lose hope that I’ll ever find a career worth pursuing. In the meantime, it’s so much fun being a temp. I had to put in for the office pool for a gift for someone who was leaving the other day. I don’t even know the guy.”

Ariana rolls her eyes when she says it, and I laugh. “Why did you contribute if you don’t know him?”

“Well, it’s not his fault that I don’t know him. I’m sure he’s very nice, and what if my five dollars was the five dollars that made the difference between him getting a good gift or a crappy gift? I wouldn’t want to be the cause of that.”

“Are yousurethat Ariana doesn’t mean ‘woman who overthinks things?’” I tease her, and I nudge her side with my elbow while smiling at her.

“You know what, it probably does. I should find some other Arianas and ask them if they overthink things too.” She grins at me. “How was your week at work, Gabriel Knight?”

“Oh, my week was boring as shit too.” I wink, knowing that it’s so far out of the realm of a regular person’s working week. “But if you really want to know, we did some interviews. Well, a lot of interviews. We had some rehearsals this week as well. You should come along one day and check it out if you’re free. I think it’s going to be awesome.”

As soon as I finish telling her about my week and invite her to our rehearsals, I regret it. She’s got that slightly stunned look on her face, and she looks at me as though I have ‘ROCK STAR’ tattooed on my forehead in capital letters.

Then, she frowns, and I remember that I’ve just invited her somewhere with Sebastian as well. There are so many reasons that she probably doesn’t want to come and see us rehearse.

I start to backtrack. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Look, I know you don’t like Seb…”

Ariana sighs. “No, it’s not Sebastian.”


It being Sebastian was the better option. That’s easily explained away, because that would mean it’s not me that’s the problem.

“If you don’t want to come and see us rehearse, that’s fine. I just thought you might want to.” I can’t keep my voice modulated, and my words come out a lot cooler than I intended.

“Wait, Gabriel. It’s not that,” Ariana says quickly. “I do want to come and see you guys rehearse; that would be amazing. I’m honored that you would invite me.”

She stops talking, but I feel like she has more to say, and I’m unsurprised when she continues on.

“I really like you. You’re amazing. When you’re here, with me, that is. Where you’re out there…” Ariana gestures to the window, indicating to the outside world. “You’re Gabriel Knight. I know that you’re just a man, but the world doesn’t know that. They see the rock star. It’s the life that you lead, and that’s okay. I just…I don’t know. I only just graduated from college. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, and I’m not sure I want it picked apart by the media.”

I frown, and barely resist sighing out loud. There it is. The rock star thing again. I like her a lot, and that’s starting to scare me because she seems pretty fucking unsure of how she feels about me.

“What are you doing here, then, Ari? I’m not going to stop being a rock star any time soon.”

I ask her the question because I can’t understand her thinking. She obviously has a real problem with me being a rock star, but she’s still doing this with me. I feel terrible when she looks like she might start crying, and I’m about to apologize when she sighs and looks me in the eye.

“I’m here because I met a guy I liked, and he asked me out on a date. I’m here because that guy makes me smile when the day is long. I’m here because I like you, Gabriel Knight, even if I don’t like the world you inhabit.”

I can’t respond at once; I’m terrified of saying the wrong thing. So much of what she’s said gives me hope. I make her smile; she likes me…but she hates my world. What do I do with that information? I want to keep seeing her, but my world is what it is.

“I’m glad you’re here. I guess we just keep having fun and see where this goes?” I ask her, on edge because a part of me thinks she might just decide to end things with me here and now.

“I guess we do,” she says, and I swear that my entire body relaxes. “Also, because this chicken is really good. I’m just saying.”

I can’t stop the grin that makes its way onto my face. I’d actually forgotten about sex for a few moments there, in amongst my fear that she wouldn’t want to continue our relationship. Is that what this is? I mean, we’re dating, so it basically is. I need to remember that this is only our second date.

“So, I passed my audition?” I ask her.

“I think you’re probably on the callback sheet at this point.”

I laugh again at her quip, and we continue eating our meal. When we finish, I take her into the theater room, and we sit next to each other on the sofa. I put a comedy on Netflix and find myself relaxing as I sit with her and watch it. Everything about being with her feels natural and right. We watch the film, laughing together and commenting with whatever thoughts come into our heads.

By the end of the film, I’ve pulled her onto my lap and have one arm around her waist. I find myself playing with her hair. It’s silky and smooth, and I love the feeling of it in my hand as it flows through my fingers. She fits perfectly next to me, and I’m surprised by how enjoyable my time with her has been this evening.