Page 14 of Gabriel's Album

I can hear her panting, and it drives me wild. I’m surprised that this is happening. I did not expect this at all when I called her. It’s a very nice surprise, that’s for sure.

“I’m so wet right now,” she moans. “I’m rubbing my clit and pretending that it’s your hand, and I’m so close to coming.”

“Come for me, baby. I want to hear you orgasm,” I manage to say as I continue stroking my cock.

I can barely hold myself off until I hear her come. She says my name when she does, and it stirs something deep within me. I’m incredibly satisfied by it, and it tips me over the edge into my own orgasm.

“God, you’re amazing,” I murmur.

“You’re not bad yourself, sexy man,” she responds.

I spend the rest of the evening texting Ariana and wishing that she was with me. I’ve had to stop myself from asking her if I could come over. Several times, actually. She already said no when I dropped her off, though, and asking again would be too pushy. Fuck, I wish she was with me, though.


The Third Song

I’min the kitchen of my apartment, sliding the garlic chicken that I’m cooking for my date tonight with Ariana into the oven. I thought that maybe if we had our date at my place, she might be able to see me as a regular guy.

I look around my apartment. Shit, when did I get so much expensive stuff? Everything here costs a fortune, now that I think about it. So much for pretending to be a regular guy. I’m such a douche. I’m still freaking out about this when my phone rings and I see Harrison’s name on it.

“Hey, bro. What’s up?” I answer.

“I just wanted to check if you’re coming in the limo with us to April’s birthday party next week?”

Damn. I’d forgotten about that. I’d been hoping to see Ariana again next weekend. If tonight goes well, of course. The band has been slammed with promotional stuff for the tour for the last two weeks, and I haven’t been able to see her since our last date. I might call April and see if I can bring someone with me to her party.

Harrison wants an answer, so I’m a bit cagey when I reply. “I’m not sure. I might be bringing someone.”

They know that I’ve been talking to someone, but I haven’t told them much about Ariana. It’s weird because normally I tell the guys everything. I just want to keep her to myself for a little while, though.

“Are you talking about this mystery woman you’ve been keeping from us?” Harrison asks, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Ooh, tell us about her!” I hear Heather say in the background. “Put him on speaker, Harrison.”

I laugh as I hear the sound of the phone call change, and I can tell that I’ve been put on speaker. I might as well tell them about Ariana.

“Hi there, Miss Busybody. What would you like to know?”

“What’s her name, and how did you meet her?” Heather asks immediately, and I laugh again.

“Her name is Ariana, and I met her at the fundraiser for the hospital that we played last month,” I tell them.

“Did you meet her, Harrison?” Heather asks.

“I don’t think so?”

I can hear the question in his voice. In for a penny, in for a pound. Heather won’t be satisfied until she knows everything, as usual.

“No. Only Seb met her.”

“Seb met her?”

Heather seems to perk up at this information, and I have zero doubt that she’ll call him as soon as I’m off the phone if she’s not already texting him as we speak.

“Yes, he did. We were both drunk and basically gave her the worst impression of us ever. Seb hit on her,” I groan.

“Shocker,” Harrison says dryly.