“Sure. Talk later,” I say, and hang up the call.
Elena hasn’t met my family, of course, but I’m pretty sure she’s expecting to meet them on her trip to Chicago. Do I want that? I wasn’t sure about it before Friday night, and I’m even less certain now. I can’t help but wonder if I’m viewing Elena in a more negative light now because I’m subconsciously comparing her to Ariana in my head.
That’s ridiculous. Ariana and I are broken up. It happened a long time ago, and I need to get to know her as a friend. Maybe that’s all we’re meant to be, just good friends who happen to have a history together.
I spend the rest of my morning playing video games online with Hayden and Sebastian until I leave to see Celeste. We’re meeting at a restaurant near her work, and I’m seated by a waiter who seems very starstruck and is overly attentive to my needs.
I drink some water while I wait for my sister, and I grin when she walks through the door looking very hassled but casually professional in a cream pussybow sleeveless top, with a green a-line skirt. Her hair is cut short in a pixie cut, showing off some dangly earrings she’s wearing, and the whole look reminds me of Charlotte…which reminds me of Ariana.
I stand to hug her, and say, “You’ve had your hair cut.”
“You haven’t,” she laughs and lifts some strands of my hair before letting them fall back down.
“Nice outfit,” I nod to her clothes.
She grins at me, “I have to pick up my game now that I’m officially a pathologist. Do you like the skirt? It haspockets!”
Celeste puts her hands in the pockets of her skirt and swishes it from side to side while I chuckle at her. “Very impressive.”
“God, I missed you, Gabe,” she tells me as we take our seats.
“I’m gladsomeonedid,” I grin at her. “I haven’t heard from Evie or Dee since I got back.”
“Well, have you contacted them?” she teases me.
“I’ve been busy,” I say and feel my cheeks flush red.
In truth, I’ve been preoccupied with Ariana’s reappearance, but Celeste mistakes my embarrassment for being to do with not contacting my sisters.
“I knew it. Let’s do dinner at Mom and Dad’s on Sunday,” she suggests.
“That sounds good. So, aside from cutting your hair, what else is new with you?”
She tells me about what’s happening in her work as a pathologist, and also catches me up on the latest family news while we eat.
We’re nearing the end of the meal when I say, “I have a question for you.”
“Ask away,” Celeste says and pops a French fry in her mouth, watching me curiously as she chews.
“If you had two options, and one was exciting but scary and could possibly end in disaster, while the other one was safe and probably happy and stable, which one would you choose?” I ask in one big rush.
Celeste frowns as she looks at me, then asks, “Why do you want to know?”
“Answer the question, sis.” I deflect her question, not wanting to explain that I’m currently obsessing over the woman the entire world knows broke my heart. “Which one would you choose?”
“I can’t answer this withoutwaymore context than that,” she shrugs.
I purse my lips at her response and ask, “On face value. Which one?”
“Me?” Celeste raises an eyebrow at me, and I nod. She smirks at me. “I would find out more information before deciding.”
“You suck,” I groan.
Celeste laughs. “It’s good to have you back. Thanks for lunch. I have to get back to work, though.”
We both stand, and I leave a big tip for the waiter before we exit the building. As we stand outside before going our separate ways, Celeste gives me a big hug.
“I love you, Gabe.”