Page 137 of Gabriel's Album

“It really is,” I tell him. “She has to be different now, surely. I can’t imagine her as a real estate agent when we knew her.”

Hayden frowns at me. “That’s true. She still ran away from the meet and greet on Friday, though. I mean, that’s pretty Old-School Ariana.”

“She said she was just overwhelmed,” I explain.

“I can see that, I suppose. Just…be careful, Gabriel. I don’t ever want to see you like that again.”

I can see the concern written all over his face, and I sigh. He saw me at my lowest point, even if he didn’t know it at the time.

“Maybe Ariana and I could try being friends for a while. See how that goes, or something.”

“That sounds like a wise choice. Get to know each other again. See if she’s changed. Where does that leave you and Elena?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“I’m not sure. I’ll see how I feel when she comes here. If Ariana and I are going to be just friends, it might not affect my relationship with Elena, anyway.” I shrug.

“Gabriel,” Hayden says in a stern tone.

“I’m not going to cheat on her,” I promise. “I’m just not going to throw away something that could be good just because my ex-girlfriend suddenly marched back into my life.”

“It sounds like you’ve got a packet of matches and are about to start playing with fire,” he cringes.


Netflix and Chill

Hayden’sdire warning has been ringing in my ears since I left his apartment yesterday. It doesn’t help that I can’t get Ariana’s voice out of my head, either. I wonder how she’s doing today, because she was very upset when I left her yesterday.

I’m in the kitchen getting the food out to make my breakfast when my phone rings and Elena’s name is displayed on the screen.

“Hi, Elena.” I answer it with a gnawing sense of guilt about yesterday in the pit of my stomach as I push the lever down on the toaster.

“Hey there, handsome. Are you looking forward to seeing me on Saturday?”

“Of course,” I reply automatically. “It’ll be good to see you again.”

“Definitely. Are we going to Club Delirium on Saturday night?”

Elena loves going out and being ‘seen’ at all the best places with me. She’s almost the opposite of Ariana in that sense. I don’t mind, because I’m used to being seen wherever I go anyway. When I’ve been in Los Angeles to see her, she always wants to go to the hottest clubs, and the paparazzi love to take pictures of us together.

“Sure, we can if you want to do that. I’ll see if the other guys want to come with us.”

“Perfect. Have you been relaxing since you finished the tour?”

Not exactly. Relaxation has kind of been the last thing on my mind since the meet and greet.

“Kind of. I’ve visited a couple of friends, and I’m going to lunch with Celeste today.”

I slip the information about visiting friends in there because it’s the truth. Ariana and I can be friends, no matter what Hayden says. As a friend, I should probably check on Ariana today and see how she’s doing.

I’m pulled back to my conversation with Elena when she says, “Well, make sure you are gettingsomerelaxation in this week. I need you well-rested when I’m there.”

“Afraid I’ll fall asleep on you?” I laugh.

“Maybe. Do you think sex with me isn’t exciting enough to keep you awake?” she asks in a seductive tone.

“I would never imply such a thing. Hey, I’ve got to go; my toast just popped up. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Sure, have a great day, gorgeous. Tell Celeste hi from me,” she says.