“Enjoy your party,” I laugh.
We hang up, and I sigh. Everything with Elena is easy. We move in the same circles, and she has no issues being seen with me in public. So, why am I still thinking about the ghost of girlfriends past who showed up at my concert last night?
A Case of the Mondays
I pullmy Aston Martin into a parking spot a short way down from Wilson Realty. My heart is pounding in my chest, and the butterflies are flying around in my stomach again. I spent the weekend talking myself into and out of this plan, but here I am, after traveling through Monday morning rush hour traffic to see Ariana.
Ultimately, I know that I do need to talk to her, no matter how guilty I feel about it. I keep reminding myself that I just need answers to the questions that have plagued me since the day she left. I have a new girlfriend; I just want closure, and talking to her will give me that.
I walk into the agency, and the two women sitting at the reception desk snap to attention at the sight of me.
“How can I help you?” one asks me quickly.
“I’d like to see Ariana Chamberlain, please.” I breathe out the words, sounding a lot less sure of myself than I thought I was.
The woman’s face falls. “I’m so sorry; she’s not in yet.”
“I see.” I looked up the agency on the website. “In that case, could I possibly speak to Charles Wilson?”
“Absolutely. I’ll just call him.” She makes a hushed phone call, but I hear her say both mine and Ariana’s names before she hangs up and stands from her seat. “I’ll take you right through, Mr. Knight. My name’s Georgia, by the way.”
“Georgia, lovely to meet you,” I smile at her.
Georgia leads me through the office building, and people actively swivel in their chairs to stare at me as I pass. Hushed conversations are had, while others that were taking place before the people noticed me come to a halt. Eventually, we reach an office with the name Charles Wilson on a nameplate on the door.
Georgia leads me into the room and says with a bright smile on her face, “Mr. Wilson, Gabriel Knight to see you.”
“Thank you, Georgia,” Charles smiles at her. “Gabriel, please take a seat.”
He indicates one of the two chairs in front of his desk, and I sit down in it.
“How can I help you? I understand you’re here to see Ariana. Was there some problem at the concert on Friday?” He’s wearing an expression of mild concern.
“Oh, not at all. Is that how Ariana got the tickets?” I ask.
“Yes, she won our sales competition. I’m sorry, I’m confused about why you’re here.”
I consider how much I should say. If Ariana is anything at all like she used to be, she might not want me to say too much. Then again, wasn’t her friend from work? She saw plenty. Who knows what she’s told people.
I decide to go with a version of the truth. “Ariana is an old friend of mine. It was nice to see her on Friday night, and I’d like to catch up with her if I can. We didn’t get a chance at the meet and greet.”
“I see.” Charles nods. “Well, I’m sure that won’t be a problem. Ariana is a very good worker. I’m surprised she’s not in yet.”
“Is there somewhere we can talk in private when she gets in?” I ask him.
“Oh god, this isn’t a prison, son. Take your time, go for a coffee or something; she’s not chained to her desk,” he laughs.
I grin at him. “Cool, thanks. I promise I’ll tell all my friends to consider your agency for any property sales or purchases.”
“I would certainly appreciate that. Are you in the market?” he raises an eyebrow at me.
I shake my head. “Not at the moment, but the next time I am, your business will be my first port of call. Is there somewhere that I can wait for Ariana?”
“Absolutely. Just go wait at her desk. Turn right from my office, and she sits in a cubicle with a woman named Charlotte three cubicles down.”
“Thanks so much, Charles. Much appreciated.”