Page 105 of Gabriel's Album

“Hey, how are you doing?”

She sighs, then shrugs as her mouth turns down. “Oh, you know. Just wondering why my best friend hates me.”

“You know she doesn’t hate you,” Harrison objects.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, actually. Could you possibly visit her while you’re in Chicago?”

Heather’s eyebrows fly up, and she asks, “Oh my god, she called you back?”

“No.” I shake my head. “But she will, I know she will. I figured that maybe she’s not ready to talk to me, but you’re going to actually be in Chicago, so you could go see her.”

“We’re going to be pretty busy with the wedding,” Harrison says hesitantly, but Heather waves her hand at him and her face brightens considerably.

“Of course I can. Yeah, we’re going to be busy, but I can make time to see Ariana. That’s a brilliant idea.”

“You’re amazing,” I grin at her.

“I know I am,” she laughs. “Oh, I can’t wait to see her. I can’t believe I didn’t even think of going to see her while I’m in Chicago.”

“If anyone can convince her to talk to me, it’ll be you,” I smile.

“Guys, there is still a chance that she won’t see Heather,” Harrison says in a somber tone.

We both look over at him, and I consider that he could be right, but I shake my head. “No. When she knows Heather is going to be in Chicago, surely she’ll see her, at least.”

“Hmm. We’ll see, I guess. In the meantime, we have to leave for our flight very soon.” He looks around the room and frowns. “You don’t seem to have packed very much, angel. Are you ready to go?”

Heather cringes. “Sorry, I haven’t. It’ll only take me ten minutes, I promise.”

“I’m sure,” he laughs.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from Ariana,” Heather tells me.

“Thanks so much.” I give her a quick hug. “Travel safely, guys.”

I head back to my room and pull out my phone to text Ariana.

Heather said she’s more than happy to see you, so if you can call one of us, we’ll work it out. I love you.

I pace around the room, occasionally checking my phone to see if she’s called or sent a message. My phone pings with a text, and my heart leaps to my throat as I pick it up, only to see a text from Celeste checking in on me.

I’ve just finished replying when there’s a knock on my door. For a second, I hope that it’s Ariana, already back to surprise me. I open the door with a big grin on my face, only to see Sebastian and Hayden on the other side of it, and my face falls.

“Hey, guys,” I say, trying to push away the disappointment.

They walk into my room, and Sebastian asks, “Want to come to The Grove with us today?”

It’s one of the places for celebrities to be ‘seen’ when they’re in Los Angeles. I haven’t taken the ‘Do Not Disturb’ off my room since Monday morning, but I’m sure the paparazzi would love to have a chat with me if I did. I also know I’d be very accessible at The Grove.

“No, thanks. I don’t feel like facing the media if they’re hanging around.”

Hayden and Sebastian exchange a look, then Hayden asks, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I am. You guys go and have fun without me.” I force a smile onto my face.

“Gabriel…” Sebastian says in a somber tone, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

I feel anger coursing through me, and my voice is cold when I say, “What, Seb? Just go pick up some groupie to sleep with or something.”