Page 56 of Ruthless Redemption

“Hawkins Security does indeed pay well. It’s a far cry from my Marine Corps days, that’s for sure.”

“Still. The mortgage on a place like this has to be insane. What’s it setting you back?”

He narrowed his eyes at his brother. “Are you interrogating me? Is that why you came here? I thought we were past that.”

Rock turned back to him and smiled. “We are. Just natural for me to be curious is all. Besides you—”

“We’ll be ready to eat just as soon as everyone else arrives. I hope you don’t mind but I invited both Zia and Romeo to join us. Would you like a glass of wine while we wait?” Izzy sauntered into their space carrying a bottle of red and three wine glasses. Her timing was, as usual, impeccable.

His woman’s insistence on calling Cabrini by his middle name, however, did not bode well. She must have noticed the sizzling tension between the pair as well. God, he hoped she wasn’t trying to play matchmaker. Those two could barely stay in the same room together. How she’d gotten them to agree to come to dinner together…

“I’m not particular,” Rock said. “Whatever you want.”

“Okay. Then I’d like to try this bottle of wine Zia sent over as part of her housewarming gift last night. She said it was to die for and she does not give praise on food and drink that isn’t hers easily.”

She handed the bottle to him as she set the glasses on the buffet close to where they stood. Taking his cue from her, he followed her over and filled each of the glasses equally, then handed them out and took one for himself.

“Rock, I hear you’ve decided to stay on permanently in the Vegas field office. You like it that much?”

He scoffed. “I’m not surelike itis the right phrase. Vegas can be a cesspool of violent crime. However, since I’m in the business of catching criminals and I like to stay busy it seemed like a no brainer. Plus the two of you are here.” He took several gulps of wine before he continued. “It makes sense, don’t you think?”

She smiled up at him. “I absolutely do, although I hope you’re wrong about the cesspool part. Just because this is a gambling tourist destination I don’t think that has to mean it’s all bad.”

Rock took another gulp of wine and then swiped across his lips. “I’m not here to burst your bubble. In fact, I’m not sure why I’m here, although I am curious.” He turned to Houston. “You said you had something important to discuss.”

He clenched his jaw and then unclenched. “I do.” He crossed to the buffet and pulled out the bank check he’d had made out to his brother. “I wanted to give you this.”

His brother took the offered document with a blank look across his face until he looked down and realized what it was?

“What the hell, Houston? Why are you giving me a check for this kind of money?”

He inwardly groaned. Izzy had disappeared to answer the door again and they didn’t have long to discuss this before they were interrupted.

“I sold our mother’s house. Look, I know I should have consulted you first, but since neither one of us seem to want anything to do with the past, I figured it was for the best.”

For a long minute Rock just stared at the check. The house had sold for a lot more than he’d expected and even half had turned out to be a sizeable sum.

As if reading his mind, Rock asked the one question he’d expected. “You got all of this for the old house?”

“That’s only half. It seems the Seattle housing market has exploded in the last decade and that’s apparently spread all the way to Sultan.”


He didn’t get to say anything else before Izzy returned with the rest of their guests.

“Look who I found?” She was practically bristling with excitement as she ushered in her friend Zia and Vincent just behind them.

To say that Zia looked upset was putting it mildly. Cabrini on the other hand, looked really happy to be here.

Houston slapped his brother on the arm and leaned in. “Oh boy, this is about to get very interesting. Those two mix about as well as oil and water. Looks like my wife wanted to make sure we were entertained.”

“Still calling her your wife, huh? You actually going to make that legal sometime?”

He smiled as he watched Izzy pour more wine. He loved her more than he ever thought possible. They’d been through hell and back together, and yet, every damn day got better and better. He couldn’t wait for more.

“Already got the ring.”

“What are you waiting for?”