Page 54 of Ruthless Redemption

He looked up, his attention temporarily diverted. “You planning to try that again? I’m not sure the fire department is going to appreciate having to come through here a second time. Nor will Gabe be happy if you attempt to burn down his hotel again.” He laughed.

I tried to look annoyed that he would make a joke about my bad experiences in the kitchen thus far, but found it impossible because while his mouth wasn’t on me anymore, his fingers had taken up the work his lips started.

“Maybe. But I’m mostly curious. That celebrity chef, Zia, we’ve met a few times around the hotel is coming To the Sinclair this summer permanently. She’s opening a restaurant here and Nina can’t stop raving about her food. She’s kind of obsessed.”

“That’s good I guess. Although I’m not into that fancy kind of food you find in places like that.”

She laughed because it was true. Houston had a mediocre palate for food at best. His idea of gourmet came in a cardboard take-out box with names like Sesame Chicken and General Tsao. And he wasn’t all that particular about the restaurant it came from as long as he didn’t have to cook it and it could be delivered to the door.

“She’s Italian, like me and has promised she can teach me how to make food like my mother did when I was little.”

His voice rumbled against my skin before he took a small nip. “No way, babe. No one is like you.” I grinned at his cheesy compliment and prayed more were forthcoming. “Although I do like Italian. It’s the perfect appetizer,” he growled as he yanked my panties down around my thighs.

I knew where this was going and I was more than eager to comply. Cheesy lines or not, Houston Reed loved to eat my pussy and he did it extremely well. I should know considering he’d been doing it every chance he got since our reunion. He told me we were making up for lost time, but I didn’t think anything was lost at this point.

Yes, we’d both gone through hell to get to each other, but in a weird way it felt like we’d endured what we needed to in order to get where we were now. Not that I needed to get all philosophical about it now. Between my friend Nina, my new therapist and the love of a good man, I was coming out the other side of everything a much stronger person.

Our life had kind of settled into something a little more normal. If anyone would ever call living in a penthouse at the top of a boutique hotel on the glittering Las Vegas strip normal. But I had more people in my life than ever before and I was growing attached to them all.

Neither of us had broached the idea of marriage again since his first day back, but I had a feeling it was coming. Houston had insisted I keep the name Reed so I would never again have to be a Mazzeo, which had pretty much set my already over the top feelings in stone.

When he wasn’t working, we were having fun together or with friends. We also gave bunnies a run for their money in the bedroom.

Houston seemed to have closed the door on his past to an extent. He didn’t blame anyone for his mother’s death except for his father, someone he still adamantly refused to visit, and that was never going to change. And now that Axel seemed to be sniffing after the FBI informant they’d tried to ‘rescue’ from my father, Houston had started to thaw towards his former best friend as well.

There was promise in the air and I was ready to move on to the next phase. My plan for employment. I wanted to start and run a non-profit organization that helped women who were rescued from any type of human trafficking.

As much as I wanted that not to be a thing, Houston warned me that it was still a huge and particularly nasty problem that wasn’t going away anytime soon.

It broke my heart to think about it, but it made me feel worse to know I could do nothing. Except in this way I could. And it felt great to use my father’s money to accomplish it.

“Get out of your head,” Houston growled.

I jerked free from the runaway train of my mind and slid back into the present where I belonged. “Maybe if you’d get on with it already I could.” I laughed as he smirked and then dropped his head between my thighs.

To say my smart-assness disappeared the moment his tongue touched my flesh was an understatement. Three strong flicks and I was about to rocket so far out of my head…


“Oh shit!” Izzy cried as her fingers tightened around his head, pressing him deeper between the softness of her incredible legs.

His woman was about to come on his tongue and he was pretty sure life couldn’t get any sweeter. And he sure as hell couldn’t get enough of it. The only thing that would make it better was when she finally said yes to becoming his wife. For real.

But first…

He circled her clit with his tongue and then followed that with a slight nip of his teeth. He’d been playing the get close and stop game for quite a while with her and she deserved the orgasm about to explode out of her. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to explain well enough about how lucky he felt. Or how much he enjoyed giving her whatever she wanted.

Did that make him indulgent? Hell yes it did, but she deserved it. Was he still going to mercilessly tease her like he was now until she couldn’t take another second of it? Fuck yeah. Because it made the sex between them even more explosive than before. Not to mention fun as hell.

When her legs quivered against the sides of his face, he knew her moment had arrived. To ensure it, he wrapped his lips around her sensitive bundle of nerves and sucked.

The resulting scream of his name being ripped from her mouth thrilled him beyond belief. Damn, but he loved that sound. Not that he relented or made it simple. Instead he increased his tempo, forcing her past the initial onslaught of pleasure and into a prolonged release she had no choice but to ride out. He literally planned to wring every ounce of pleasure from her and then flip her onto her stomach and fuck her straight back into another.

Once he was somewhat satiated, but still starved anyway, he rolled her over and pulled her into the position he wanted on her hands and knees. With her pussy and ass exposed, he drank in the view as his fingers roamed across her heated skin.

“I love how wet you get. You’re all but dripping for me right now.” He didn’t wait for a response, because he couldn’t. The ache in his dick and his chest to be inside her superseded everything else. With his hands gripping her hard and holding her open, he slid smoothly into her from behind. Their moans in unison had him almost blowing his load from the get go, but somehow he managed to gather some control as he quickly set a rhythm that would make her fall apart over and over again.
