I’m coming, Izzy. They are taking you over my dead body. I swear it.
He took the steps up to her cabin three at a time and the moment his boot hit the porch, the front door flung open and Izzy rushed through it.
He heard Axel swear behind him as his girl ran into his arms, blood running down her face and a knot the size of a golf ball swelling at her temple.
But it was the man who grabbed at her arm as Houston wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close that made him lose it.
“Take your hand off of her before I rip it from your arm and shove it down your throat.”
Adrenaline pumped through his system as the desire to kill this fucker flashed through him, making the heat of his rage burn red fucking hot.
“And then when he’s done doing that, I’m going to peel the skin from your body and feed your carcass to the bears,” Axel interjected.
For once he didn’t bristle at his friend’s presence as four of his club brothers moved in and grabbed the two men who’d emerged from the cabin, their hands raised.
He temporarily banked his disappointment at their surrender to inspect Izzy injuries.
“Dude. It’s not what you think.” One of the men whined, fueling the violence near to bursting from his body.
“My father,” she whispered, her voice cracking as he brushed the hair gently from the side of her face so he could see the gash on the side of her head that obviously needed stitches.
The leash he barely held on his temper threatened to snap as he swiped at the blood near her eyes and forced himself to take in the fear he saw in her gaze.
“Izzy.” Seeing her like this tore at something dark inside him he fought to keep leashed at all times.
“Jesus, we need to get her to the hospital.” Axel moved in next to him, while the rest of the club crowded onto the tiny front porch with them.
“Immediately,” Houston bit through gritted teeth. They would have to deal with the intruders, but first he needed his girl taken care of. They’d fucked up again, but he swore an oath to himself it was for the last time. He’d make sure of that.
The club might have good intentions when it came to this mission, but the danger to Izzy was too great. Unacceptable even.
The ragged sound of his name on her lips nearly broke him. “I got you. I told you I wasn’t leaving you again and I meant it. No matter how mad you get, I’ll be right here where I belong. But right now, baby, you need some stitches and likely have a concussion. We need to take care of that.”
He lifted her in his arms, ignoring her resistance. She needed to understand that he had to do this. Everything about him demanded it.
“Wait. You need to know. This was my father. He knows where I am. We have to get out of here now before he tries again and it’s too late. If he gets to me before we can find that girl, I think we’ll miss our opportunity.”
“Babe, I know exactly who’s responsible for all of this. And believe me, I’m already making plans for your safety.”
Another shadow crossed the porch and blocked the light from the scene. He turned slightly and his gaze zeroed in on JD as he came closer.
“We know,” JD announced. “Not exactly as planned, but close enough. Now it’s our turn.”
“What about them? You want me to deal with it?” Axel asked.
Before JD could answer, another of their club brothers stepped forward.
“Allow me. I’ll make sure whatever information you need is retrieved and then all the loose ends taken care of.”
Houston stared openly at the club member everyone called Squatch. Short for Sasquatch. If the man didn’t actually resemble a Big Foot creature, it might have been silly to have such a nickname. But as it was, the dude had to be at least seven feet tall with more hair on his head and his face than any creature known to man.
“Houston?” JD looked to him as if it was his decision to decide how to proceed. He wanted to bloody them himself, but he had a more pressing issue with Izzy. And judging by the strength of her fingers digging into his biceps, she would not be okay with any of his ideas on what to do to them.
He tipped his head in agreement and turned back to Izzy. Time to get her patched up and then he’d make sure his woman got what she deserved.