“So where’s JD and the rest of the club?”
Houston shrugged. “Not sure.” And that wasn’t a lie. There’d been no time to discuss anything when they left the hotel on a tear. But if Marco was really out here and about to get on this plane, there was a solid chance the club was close by.
They weren’t about to let that fucker go anywhere if they thought he had the girl they were after. Although it sounded like they were all running out of time. There was also the matter of Frank and the money they’d taken out from under his nose. He had no doubt there would be retaliation if they didn’t find a way to end this tonight.
“I thought you wanted to help?”
Houston stared at his brother. A Marine and a fed. They’d both walked away from hell on divergent, but parallel paths. The world sure had a sick sense of humor.
“I’d be a lot more help if you gave me a gun. Marco isn’t just going to let you walk in and arrest him.”
Rock sniffed. “He won’t have a chance to make a move. My team has had this airport staked out for days. That plane is not getting off the ground.”
Dammit. He really needed to warn the club. They were walking straight into the hornet’s nest and he wasn’t sure how friendly these hornets were going to be. Even with blood.
“You’re with them again, aren’t you?”
Rock’s question pulled Houston out of his swirling mind seeking a new plan. “What?”
“The club. You went back. After you got discharged it’s the first place you went.”
“Where the hell else would I go? It’s not like I knew you were in Vegas.” Sultan was the only place he knew besides the military. He hadn’t wanted to ever go back, but it had pulled at him nonetheless.
“You don’t have to be like them. You got out once. You can do it again.”
Now he was starting to get irritated. “It’s not what you’re thinking. The club has changed.” And he couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth after all these years. Hell truly had frozen over.
But it was the truth. JD and Axel had done one hell of a job cleaning up the club. Maybe they still weren’t perfectly law abiding citizens, but he sure as hell understood their mission. Sometimes you needed to work outside the law to get things done.
“How long have you been working this case with Mazzeo and Scutari?”
Rock shrugged. “Too damned long. That’s why it needs to end tonight without any interference from—“
A shot rang out before he could finish his thought. They both jerked before looking out all of the windows.
“Report!” Rock barked into his walkie.
“Single shot fired. Target unknown. Source unknown.”
Houston smirked. Bullshit. They were in his territory now. The shot had come from the direction of his left shoulder, less than a half a mile away. It had traveled north-northwest and had come from a handgun.
“What’s over that ridge?” He pointed to an area on their left and not far from the road.
“Don’t know. Not much out here except for the runway. Probably some private hangers. Why?”
“Shot came from over there.”
Rock hesitated. “You sure about that?”
“Yeah.” He didn’t like his brother questioning him, but it was kind of hard to blame him. They didn’t know each other anymore. If they ever had. “We need to check it out.”
“No. We aren’t risking that Marco gets away. This could be a diversion.”
“What are the odds shots are being fired on a totally unrelated event out here in the middle of nowhere?” Besides his gut told him that the MC knew exactly where Marco was and they weren’t letting him go anywhere except straight to hell.
“Shit.” Rock touched his ear piece. “Charles, your team needs to move in on the plane now. We’ve got the source of the shots pinned down and we’re going in to investigate.”