“Honeymoon,” Houston answered. “And no, we haven’t exactly settled yet. I’m still trying to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. Professionally speaking that is.”
“And you brought your new bride to a fight? That’s hardcore man.”
Houston shrugged. “I’ve recently dabbled in the Seattle rings. Couldn’t resist a peek into the big leagues while we were here. Plus, I couldn’t pass up a chance to meet Vincentius Romeo Cabrini or watch him fight live.”
I was trying to keep pace with the conversation between Houston and his friend, but I could no longer see my father and the hair on my neck had prickled and wouldn’t relent. Wherever he was, it was close.
Now was not the time for this reunion and I was beginning to get antsy standing here. JD had warned that we wouldn’t have much time before Frank was notified about the money. If we missed our window…
“Well, I don’t want to keep you. But I would like to catch up if you’re going to be in town for a few days.”
“Our plans are kind of fluid at the moment. We decided to take this trip at the last minute,” Houston said.
I kept my mouth shut for fear I would say something that would mess up this weird little charade we had going on. I still had no idea where Frank was and I didn’t like it.
“Well, at least take my card. I’ve recently invested in a nationwide security consulting firm that could use someone like you on staff. Especially out here in the west.”
“I don’t know what I’ll—“
“Just take the card, Reed. It doesn’t come with an obligation. I just thought it would be nice to catch up. But right now, I need to go find my brother Gabe. Since I see his wife Nina now I imagine he won’t be far.” He turned to me. “Isabella, it was good meeting you. I hope we get to talk more soon.”
“Izzy,” I blurted, sounding like the idiot I felt like.
“Right. Izzy it is then. Y’all have a good night and I wouldn’t bet against Cabrini, I’ve seen the destroyer fight before and he’s as close to a sure thing as you can get.”
Houston laughed and I tried to relax at the sound. But with every passing second my strings got tighter and it felt like it was getting harder and harder to breathe in here.
“I’ll remember that. See you soon, Levi.”
The minute I thought his friend was out of earshot, I leaned closer to Houston and whispered. “Oh my God, I’m about to have a heart attack over here. Where’s Frank?”
“At your six. He’s been hovering the whole time. In fact, there were a few tense moments there I thought he was going to interrupt.”
“My six?”
“Your back, Izzy. It’s military speak. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I hate that he’s had time to plan.”
I shuddered. “You and me both.”
“Although that might have worked out in our favor. While he was waiting he made a phone call. Intel traced the number and if JD’s hunch is right, then they know exactly where Marco is. The club is headed there now.”
Before I could say anything else or wonder how he knew all of that while having not left my side, Houston stiffened at my arm and I knew why without even turning.
I schooled my face as best I could, hiding away all the tumultuous emotions surging through me just as I’d been taught. In fact, I grabbed onto all those lessons my father and the nuns had drilled into me rather forcefully, hoping that for once they’d do some good in my life instead of torture me.
I turned, and for the first time since my wedding day to Marco, I came face to face with the man (or one of them) who wanted to hurt me.
“Frank,” I said in return.
His eyebrows climbed and his thin lips turned down in a frown. It had only been a few months and I swear my father looked like he’d aged years. Or maybe I’d only just begun to see him without my blinders on. Either way, he looked haggard and mean. His dark eyes held nothing but anger and hatred. Something I’d seen many times before, although not usually directed at me.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he said.
Something about that statement sent a streak of fire burning through my blood. “Really? Is that before or after you allowed Marco to kidnap and torture me?” I whispered through gritted teeth. Fortunately, I had enough of my wits about me to remember where we were and realize I did not want to share all of my business with strangers.
“Don’t be crass, Isabella. It’s not attractive. Marco has rights. He’s your husband. It’s not my fault you have failed to fulfill your obligations.”