“She’s right,” JD interrupted. “The money was an exchange. Scutari is a bigger player in the international scene than anyone knew and he was looking for an in when it came to some of the west coast US markets and Izzy’s father was looking to expand globally. Specifically, the two are working together on international trading and trafficking on a level to rival any of the big players. And trust me when I say that what they are trading is far from legal.”
“And you’re sure this money is currently in my name?”
The suit nodded his head. “Yes, ma’am. The money was transferred on your wedding day into this account.” He pointed at something on one of his sheets. “Which would have automatically become a joint account as soon as the completed wedding certificate was filed with the county. Which wasn’t. That left this money here, in your name as well as an un-named husband and in limbo.”
“I can’t believe my father had no fail safe. Why wouldn’t he have waited until after the ceremony to make the transfer?”
JD shrugged. “I’m afraid the only one who can answer that question is your father.”
“What happens to the money now?” Houston asked, his voice sounding tight and stressed.
“That’s up to her. We aren’t interested in the money other than how its existence helps us finish our job. We were hired to find a missing girl. This just happens to give us some unexpected leverage.”
“You want to negotiate it back to my father in exchange for the girl?”
“Fuck, no. Do we look like the kind of people who are going to pay a ransom? I’ll kill all those fuckers before they will see one red cent of it.” Axel stood and crossed to our group from the back of the room. “No offense, Izzy, but your father is a dick. If you ask me, I’d say you deserve that money for what he’s put you through.”
All the men in the room either nodded or grunted their agreement.
“But,” JD started. “That money is dangerous. I’m sure you’ve figured that much out. Your father is going to want it back and your former fiancé is going to be gunning for it as well. As long as either one of them thinks they have a chance in getting it, they will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Are you getting what I’m trying to say?”
I nodded. “I think so. Do they need me to sign it back over? Or can they just take it somehow? How does that work in this case?”
JD rubbed his bearded jaw. “Well, that’s the real shit show. There’s only two ways they can get their hands on it. You either marry that fucking bastard. Or—“ he hesitated.
“Just say it,” I said, knowing full well what the second option would be.
“They kill you.”
I winced hearing the words. I’d thought a lot of things about my father, but capable of killing his only child didn’t seem like one of them.
Houston stiffened next to me. “Well, that ain’t fucking happening.”
“Agreed. None of those are options we’d settle for.” JD shifted his stance and rubbed his hip.
“So what do we do?” I directed my question at the man in the business suit. He was obviously the financial expert and here for a reason.
“Ms. Mazzeo, in my opinion you need to take precautions. Preferably sooner rather than later.”
“What kind of precautions?” Houston sounded irritated. I understood why. This conversation wasn’t only devastating, it had gone on too long. I needed a break to let my brain breathe and take all of this in.
“I’d suggest a transfer of the monies immediately to a different account. One that doesn’t give Mr. Scutari any rights under any circumstances. We can take care of that right now. I’ve already drafted the papers here and you just need to sign them.”
I narrowed my eyes as he handed over the reorganized file folder and a black ink pen with it. “I just sign this and the money is out of their hands and is all mine?”
“Yes, without the marriage certificate component, Mr. Scutari has zero claim over this money. And if you remove it from this account into the one I’ve established for you, even a marriage license won’t give him access. Unless…”
I took a fortifying breath before asking the question I was pretty sure I didn’t want to hear the answer to. “Unless?”
“If you were married that would make him your automatic beneficiary in the event of your death.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. I will never marry that bastard.” JD and Axel stared at me with what looked like pity on their faces and it was pissing me off. “What!?” My hysteria tinged voice rose.
“It wouldn’t be that hard to force a marriage. If he gets his hands on you again he could drug you, pay off a judge or any other number of things that both he and your father are more than capable of. More likely they will try to kill you. That’s the easier option. You die, your father gets the money back and he and what’s his face go on with their transaction.”
“Fuck!” Houston spat. “Way to blindside with this bullshit. She isn’t going to die because we are going to kill them first.”
“I’m going to excuse myself to the other room until you need me officially. I don’t think I need to hear anymore of your plans.” The suit shuffled out of the room so fast I almost laughed. Clearly he wasn’t comfortable with all this talk of murder.