“I understand you could use a little help.”
I tried to look past her, but she’d effectively blocked my view into the other room with a black garment bag she held high.
“I brought you a new dress. I understand you and I are a similar size.”
“Who are you? Where’s Houston?”
“The men have cleared out. I insisted on it. If we’re going to have you prepared, we need peace and quiet. Plus, my husband is going to have words for those two.”
“And you are?” I wasn’t sure what to make of this woman. She did not have the same softness to her as the others that had helped me prepare.
She held out her hand. “I’m Nina. My husband Gabe is the GM here at The Sinclair and when he got the details about the situation up here, he felt you would be more inclined to accept my offer of assistance over the spa staff.”
“Why is that?” My stomach was beginning to burn with an uncertainty and possibly more shame as the people who seemed to know the intimate details of my life were beginning to grow exponentially.
She put down her hand that I had yet to shake. “How about I come in and you let me explain while we get you ready?” She pointed at the smart watch on her wrist. “We don’t have much time.”
I hesitated another second before reluctantly taking a step back and allowing another stranger entry into my life. There was certainly no shortage these days of opportunities for me to get out of my comfort zone. Although being shoved out of it at every turn wasn’t exactly the same thing.
She walked directly to the couch and laid the garment bag across the back of it and immediately went to work on removing it. I saw a flash of red and winced. I had chosen the color black previously because of its severity. I doubted red would have the same effect I’d been hoping for.
Until Nina turned around and I got my first full look at the dress in question. My gasp shocked me as did my hand flying to my mouth to cover it.
“I thought you might like it. I know the dress you chose previously was stunning as well, but this one. Well, it’s special.”
I decided I didn’t want to know why she thought it was special. If this dress had a history, I definitely didn’t need to know. I crossed over to the couch and ran my fingers against the torso, reveling in the soft caress of fabric along my skin. The slim bodice would enhance everything from my waist up, while the gentle flair of the skirt would skim my hips in a way I knew would entice.
She was right about one thing. This dress was special.
“How about we work on your hair and makeup first and then we’ll get you in this. I guarantee you whatever you were hoping to accomplish with the black dress, this one will outdo and then some. Although first we should tone down some of those marks.”
My hand flew to my neck where I’d seen the evidence of Houston’s fingers as they dug into my throat.”
“Don’t be embarrassed or think twice about it. We could swap war stories that would put those marks to shame. My husband is—well, we are, adventurous.” She lifted her arms and pushed the ends of her sweater up her forearms revealing a set of marks that were much more pronounced than mine.
“Do they hurt?” I have no idea why I asked that. Of course they must.
She shrugged. “Not really. Maybe a little tender. But that is a small price to pay for the pleasure I received while getting them.”
At first I thought that made no sense until I remembered how hard I came with Houston with his hand squeezing my neck. Even thinking about it now had a hot flush creeping up my body.
“C’mon. We can talk while we work.” She gently grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the bathroom. She produced a small duffel bag I had failed to notice when she came in.
“Tools of the trade.”
I hesitated at her words. Did I want to know what trade she meant?
Nina laughed. “Don’t worry. Whatever you’re thinking I’m not it. I’m usually the events coordinator for the hotel and general Girl Friday for my husband when sensitive things come up we prefer to keep outside the normal staff requirements.”
“Such as this?” She still had no idea how much this woman knew, but her luck meant probably a lot.
“Exactly. My husband and I belong to the local kink community, so we’ve about seen it all. Which is surprisingly good training for the goings on of a Las Vegas strip hotel. People tend to let loose more than usual when they visit. It also enables us both to understand and engage in extreme discretion. Another necessity.”
“Sin city,” I mumbled.
“Yep. It’s fascinating really. I wasn’t sure how I’d like living here full-time, but I’ve come to love it. The city seethes with excitement and I like the way it makes me feel.” She laughed. “At least so far. Ask me in a year or two though and who knows how I will feel.”
As Nina continued, regaling me with stories about her recent Vegas experiences, I felt my muscles beginning to loosen and some of my confidence return as she transformed me from looking like a broken doll to the much prettier version of myself I’d seen earlier.