Chapter One


For months he’d wanted nothing more than to have Izzy in his arms again. When he’d gotten that chance, he’d fucked it up. Taking her to a frigging park and almost fucking her against a tree? Christ. He’d screwed up royally. And true to form, his princess wasn’t going to let him get away with it.

As he stood there watching Izzy march up the hill after giving him hell in front of the whole club for fucking up what should have been one hell of a sweet reunion and then disappear into her cabin, so many questions filtered in and out of his mind.

Especially one.

He turned back to Axel. “You gave her a gun?”

His ex-best friend’s eyes widened. “Dude, that’s the only thing about all of that you have a question about?”

He shrugged. “Only one I want to share with you. The rest is between Izzy and me.”

Axel shook his head. “Considering she just erupted in front of the entire club, I don’t think privacy is an issue any more. What the hell happened?”

He needed a drink. In fact, the only conversation he wanted to have right now would be with Johnnie Walker. A whole fucking bottle if he had anything to say about it. There was a whole bar inside the clubhouse currently calling his name.

Turning, Houston headed in that direction.

Unfortunately, Axel followed. “Seriously man, before I have someone deliver a cell phone to her, I need to know what happened and what frame of mind she is in. I don’t need her shooting someone tonight. Or making any inappropriate calls.”

He walked behind the bar and searched through the bottles of liquor until he found the one he wanted and slammed it on the counter. He pulled a glass, twisted off the cap and then changed his mind and brought the bottle straight to his lips.

At which point he guzzled until his gut protested the never ending fire he was pouring into it.

“So she really does have a gun?” he asked, wiping the excess liquid from his lips.

“She’s not supposed to. I already confiscated one from her. But the ladies around here really like her and I wouldn’t put it past any of them to sneak her another. These bitches are getting out of hand lately.”

“So the women run the club now?” he asked, taking another swig.

“Fuck you, man. Give me some of that.” Axel grabbed the Johnnie from him and guzzled an amount that rivaled his.

For some reason he found that funny and he started to laugh.

“So you really had her up against a tree like she said? Your first opportunity to get in her pants in months and that’s the venue you chose?”

Houston nodded, laughing even harder now.

Nothing about this situation with Izzy should have made him laugh, but considering how damned cute she was when she was pissed, not to mention right about his fuck up, he had to laugh or he’d start tearing shit up, Hulk smash style.

“Must have been one hell of an orgasm to send her on that kind of a rant. What are you going to do about it?”

His laughter finally died and he tried to think about Axel’s question. “I have no fucking idea. I feel pretty much damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”

“Welcome to the world of women, son.” They both jerked at the unexpected arrival of JD behind them. “I hear I missed one hell of a party.”

“Party crasher more like. Izzy made a spectacular entrance and exit.”

“Do I even want to know? More than I already do that is?” He too grabbed the bottle of Johnnie, only he did it far more civilized by pouring several fingers in a glass instead of taking it straight from the bottle. Apparently their President had his shit together a lot more than they did.

“Probably not. I fucked up again and now I gotta go fix things.”

“Not looking like that, you aren’t. When was the last time you slept, son?”

He shrugged. “Haven’t been able to get Izzy to sit still long enough for that. I see now why she’s been a handful around here.”