Frank laughed. "As I'm sure you can imagine, the right connections will get you anything you want. Now tell me what it isyoureally want. How does the former crowned prince of an MC gang that doesn't play well with others end up on my doorstep?"
Frank had dug far more into his background than expected. However, he'd come prepared to deal with any of it if that were the case.
"I've left my options open since leaving the Corps. Currently, I fight for the money."
"Oh I highly doubt you fight only for the money. I sense a bitterness inside you that I suspect comes from our government prematurely cutting their ties with you."
Houston clenched his jaw. He hadn't come prepared to talk about his personal feelings with this piece of shit. "Bitterness equals motivation in my book, Mr. Mazzeo. Since you've done your research on me then you know I also cut ties with my family years ago and have no intention of returning to that life."
"I imagine JD is not happy about that. He likes to recruit people just like you. In fact, I've heard he's got quite a mercenary outfit going on these days. What does he call it?"
Frank's pause might have been a test to see if he would fill anything in, but there wasn't a damn thing he could say about the MC these days. He'd stayed as far away as he could for as long as he could and realistically he'd failed to fill in the gaps before coming here.
"Outlaw justice, right?"
Frank's knowledge of club business as well as his calling the president by his first name should have come as no surprise, but it did. He was suddenly getting the impression that JD had left out many of the pertinent details he needed to know about this job.
He managed to hide his shock at the familiarity in which Frank referred to the Wrath president with a shrug. Although as his unease grew he began scanning the area for a way out if needed. After the fight, he was not in top form for an escape, nor did he like the fact they were ensconced in a secured top floor of a hotel.
"Don't worry, Mr. Reed. I know you're not one of his.” Frank smiled pleasantly, though, again, it didn't meet his eyes. "Otherwise you wouldn't even be here. He has a sick little fetish for branding his people and you don't carry that mark. But you have to understand my caution. While JD and I have an understanding, we don't always have the same goals. I wouldn't put it past him to fuck with me."
Houston started to protest and Mazzeo stopped him. "I'd like to see you involved here. I believe your unique skills would be useful to me. However, I think you need a night to think on it." He stood and snapped his fingers and a voluptuous blonde appeared in the doorway. "I'd like to offer you a bonus as my thanks for tonight's fight. The party is winding down anyway and I'm headed home. The suite is yours for the rest of the night and Trina here will stay to serve you. She's actually been looking forward to this all night, haven't you, Trina?"
She looked him up and down and licked her overly glossed lips. "Oh yes, Sir, Mr. Mazzeo. You've given me quite a gift."
"I don't—"
Frank interrupted him. "Please. I insist. It’s the least I can do to return the favor you gave me. Quid pro quo, Mr. Reed. It is a hallmark to live by. Anyways," he held out his hand, "sometime in the next few days someone from my organization will call and you'll come to this address and we'll iron out the details for your future employment." He handed Houston a business card with a Seattle address printed on it. "Until then, Trina and this room are yours for as long as you want them."
Fuck. He had to accept this gift or risk insulting the impetuous man with a notoriously short temper. But no fucking way was he going to touch that woman with a ten-foot fucking pole. He was once again going to have to go out on a limb and remind the man about the size of his balls.
"Thank you, Mr. Mazzeo. While I look forward to discussing business again soon, I must decline your invitation to sample your entertainment."
The rigid lines that outlined the fucker's face froze as he attempted to school his reaction to Houston's refusal. But he'd seen the crack in Mazzeo's facade and didn't give a fuck. Well, he kinda did. This was as close as he'd gotten on his mission thus far and he didn't want to start over. But there were limits even for him.
"She not to your taste? I have plenty more where that one came from."
Six weeks ago he wouldn't have cared. If some random prostitute wanted to suck his dick, he'd have told her to have at it. Now the idea pissed him off.
Fuck, he had it even worse than he thought. There was only one woman's lips he wanted wrapped around him and she wasn't here.
"I don't share my pussy with anyone. Ever." That was the only answer he could grit out.
Frank narrowed his eyes and studied him. If he thought he could make him squirm under that rigid inspection he didn't know shit about the Corps. No man alive, not even one who held his life in his hands, could out stare a Marine Corps drill instructor.
His face finally cracked with a tight smile. "Fuck her or don't fuck her, I don't care. Either way she's yours for as long as you want and she'll do anything you want. Isn't that right, Trina?"
"Yes, sir Mr. Mazzeo. Whatever he wants."
"See," he said. "Whether you stick your dick in her ass or shove a baseball bat up there and make her stand in the corner all night makes no difference to me."
Trina whimpered as he clenched his jaw to cover a wince. Sick bastard. He needed to end this.
"Good night, Mr. Reed. I'll be in touch." He turned to the pretty blonde who didn't look so happy to be here anymore. "Walk me out, Trina." He held out his arm and she crooked hers inside and they disappeared through the door.
Houston didn't want to contemplate the instructions she was probably receiving right now. He poured more scotch into his glass and guzzled it down. Unlike the rot gut shit he usually drank, this alcohol went down warm and smooth, immediately loosening him up. But he was going to need the whole bottle to get through what came next.
"Hey, sugar," she cooed, coming back out onto the balcony. "Want to come inside and get more comfortable?"