Page 51 of Reckless Pawn

They both looked around the floor. "Looks pretty profitable."

"Yeah, these rich fuckers like to spend a lot of money at the tables. Makes for an easy night so far. You find your girl?"

Houston winced at the tone of Zook's "your girl" comment. He was starting to think his brothers thought he was pussy whipped. "I got her. She seems to like this job so far."

"She's popular with the clients. If she was one of the back room bitches she'd clean up."

"That ain't ever happening." He also didn't like the sound of Izzy getting close with the high rollers. The more attention she drew, the higher the chance word of her would filter back to her father. "She needs to keep a low profile until this shit is over. Got no business hanging out here with strangers we can't verify."

Zook nodded. "That's why I called. Took your time getting over here though. You busy getting some at the club? You know, to take the edge off?"

Houston just laughed. He had no intention of answering that question and it was best Zook drew his own conclusions. It would gain him nothing for his brothers to learn the only thing that got his dick off these days was his hand.

"What do you know about that man over there?" Houston pointed to the man Izzy had been cozy with when he arrived.

"That's Sam Fuller. Retired rich fuck who used to be involved with a group over in Leavenworth back in the day. Part of the investment group that got that bright idea to turn that shit hole into a German tourist trap. I heard he was the greaser. He made sure the investors got whatever they needed no matter the cost. Now, he lives in Vegas mostly. Comes back here a few times a year to visit I guess."

Houston mulled that information and filed it for later. There was something about Sam that piqued his curiosity. Got the feeling there was more to the man than he could see.

"This his first time here?"

"Nah. Comes out here every time he comes to town. You'd think he'd get his fill of gambling while in Vegas, but never misses an opportunity to come out here. Why? You think something's going on between him and your girl?"

He clapped Zook on the shoulder, removing his attention away from Sam Fuller. "Nah. Nothing like that. Just looking out. Can't be too careful right now. Mazzeo is a pretty sick bastard and I don't trust he won't come after her if he thinks he can gain something from her."

"Always thought Frank was a bastard, but this shit with his own daughter takes that to a new level. Can't wait to fry his ass."

Houston nodded. "You and me both, brother."

"You really think the girl is going to help us?"

He quit staring at the employee door and turned to Zook. "You don't?" The change had come out of the blue.

His brother shrugged. "Girl's been a real pain in the ass since we brought her here. Always disappearing on the property. Not sure what's going on in that pretty head of hers, but it can't be good. Not after everything she's been through." He hesitated. "Got a feeling this whole operation is about to go sideways."

Houston wanted to explore that thought more, but he caught Izzy coming out of the backroom in his peripheral vision. She had a jacket and a purse draped across her arm and she was scanning the crowd. His chest tightened.

"Maybe you should talk to JD about it," he said. "He seems to know more about what's been happening round here than me. I only know what I've been told."

"Uh huh. Go get your girl. But brother, keep your eyes open with that one. Something's brewing hot with her and there's a good chance you're gonna get burned."

He wasn't listening to Zook anymore. Izzy had spied him across the room and given him a half smile when she did. Now she was making her way toward him and he couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

If the girl he met in Seattle was supposedly different from the one he was seeing now then he couldn't wait to get to know this one. Not that he really believed it had all been an act. She'd run hotter than any other woman he'd been with and that was saying something.

The problem was how to get her back there and still get what he needed to save the other girl. For now, she remained the priority.

"You ready?" He reached forward and brushed his fingertips down her bare arm. To his delight a shiver ran through them both. It seemed whatever had happened since Seattle didn't dampen the attraction that ran between them. Or more like fucking electricity.

"Yeah, I guess." She averted her eyes, probably trying to hide her reaction to his touch. That shit would stop. She'd soon learn there'd be nothing hidden between them.

"My bike's out front. You good with that?" He grasped her elbow and guided her toward the door. Outside, he handed her his helmet. "Safety first."

She smirked at him, but took it anyway. As soon as she got it on her head, he took over and buckled the strap under her chin.

"Isn't this a bit much for a ride across the compound?" she asked.

This is where the night would get interesting. "I'm not taking you home." He lifted his leg over the seat and nodded to the area behind him indicating for her to get on. She didn't move right away. Instead her eyebrows climbed an inch or two and her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Where exactly are you taking me? And why would I want to go there?"