Page 40 of Reckless Pawn

I jerked free from his hold and scooted around him. I needed air and there wasn't enough for the both of us in this tiny space. I walked over to the window and lifted the glass so I could stick my head out into the night air.

"Princess, what the hell are you doing?"

I jumped at the closeness of his voice. He was right behind me again. So close I swore his warm breath touched my skin. "I need air. I can't breathe. And I really can't handle this."

"What?" he asked.

I gulped in air before I pulled my head back inside and whirled on him. "You. Being here. I can't take it."

"Why the hell not? I thought that's what you wanted."

"Because you fucking left me here, that's why. You are the one who hurt me. Now you think after all this time you can just waltz in here like nothing happened? Like your very presence doesn't remind me of every painful damn moment?"

The look of regret that flashed through his eyes nearly took my breath away. Part of me wanted to let go and let him in, but the bigger part of me didn't know how.

I lowered my voice to a whisper. "Well, you can't pretend it didn't happen. Unless you're here to set me free, then I don't want you here."

I shifted and pressed my back against the wall beside the window. Like maybe if I pressed hard enough I could disappear and he wouldn't be here and I wouldn't smell him again. That delicious manly outdoor scent that was so hard to get out my head.

"Where do you want to go? I'll take you wherever you choose."

His question caught me off guard. What the hell was that supposed to mean? We couldn't just waltz out of here now, could we? And if we could, where exactly did I want to go? I had no friends and family outside the club that could be trusted. Not enough money to get a place of my own. Or hire protection from my father.

My shoulders sagged at the realization that Axel was right all along. I had nowhere else to go. Not that it really mattered. I knew the club would not let me walk away now. Not after what I'd told them about my father.

"Look at me, Izzy."

I shook my head. I could feel the familiar burn of tears at the back of my eyes and I was afraid if I looked at him again like that I would break down.

"Babe, you need to talk to me. Tell me where you want to go and it's done. You're not a prisoner. I just need you safe is all. But first you have to look at me."

Oh shit. The first tear splashed onto my cheek. I was losing it. And I most certainly did not want to look at him.

"It doesn't matter. We both know they aren't letting me go. I have information the club wants. That's why you're here isn't it? Because ofhim." She practically spat the word. "Everything for the rest of my life is going to be about my father, isn't it?"

The tension in the room thickened. The fine hairs along my arm prickled.

"Take a breath, princess. You're thinking too hard about this. All that matters right now is this. You and me. Together." He reached forward and touched my check, whisking away the single tear residing there. "We can deal with the rest later."

Then another thought occurred to me and my emotions froze. "Is he dead? Is that why you’re here?"

"No, babe. Not yet."

I didn't know whether I was disappointed or if I should sag with relief. I hated my father with every fiber of my being. I wanted him dead. Right?

And if he wasn't dead then why was Houston suddenlyhere? This wasn't the deal I'd made. They were supposed to set him free, not force him back to the club. Axel had promised. My mind swirled with an assortment of crazy thoughts until it began to ache.

I shook my head. "I don't want to deal with any of this anymore. I'm tired. Just go."

"You're not listening." He leaned closer. "I'm. Not. Leaving."

"And I'm telling you that I want you to go. Leave the club now while you can."

As if I'd not said a single word, he sat on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. "You got anything to eat, babe?"

My mouth dropped open. What the hell? Was he deaf? I had no intention of feeding him or doing anything else with him for that matter.

"I take it your silence means no?" He shrugged. "That's all right, we can get something delivered." He dug into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. "Mexican okay with you?"