"You'll really see about me getting a job?"
"Yeah, babe. I get it. We'll find something for you to do around here. But don't get too excited. JD will probably have you cleaning up piss and vomit or some shit like that until he's no longer pissed at you."
So relieved to hear I might get out of here after all, I started forward to give him a hug when a knock sounded at the door, halting me mid stride.
"You expecting anyone?" Axel reached down and adjusted the gun, making sure a bullet was chambered.
I shook my head. We both knew I wasn't.
"Get behind me," he ordered.
"I thought this compound was safe. That no one could get through the front gate without permission?"
"Can't be too sure, babe." In the small space of my kitchen/dining/living room, Axel only had to turn to yank open the door. "Remind me to get a peephole installed."
Patty stood in the doorway, the club old lady who stuck to me like glue during the day and the only other person who ever visited me. She looked down at the weapon in his hand and frowned. "I take it he found the gun."
Axel sighed. "I take it that means you're the one who gave it to her."
Patty lifted her shoulders, her long red hair moving with them. "Girl's gotta protect herself. As much as we trust the club, we both know sometimes the parties get out of hand and you guys leave my girl here, who's been through more than enough for one person, unprotected. So sue me."
I waited for the explosion and to my surprise it didn't come. Instead Axel stepped back, pulling the door open for Patty.
"I'm glad she's got you looking out for her, even though you know she ain't ever unprotected. And it'd sure be nice if you're going to give her a gun, you make sure she learned the lesson not to turn it on a brother."
Patty's eyes came my way, hard eyes that had seen too much too. "You pulled the gun on him? Girl, you got a death wish or something?"
"I didn't know when I pulled it it was Axel. All I knew was I'd pulled on someone in the process of entering my house without my permission and I was going to kill before I got killed."
Patty turned her hard gaze back to Axel and whatever she was communicating to him with that glare was enough. He backed down.
At that point I realized how tired of this conversation I was. No matter what I said or who I said it to, I got nowhere.
I walked over to the small couch and flounced down. "Are we done here yet?"
Axel smirked at me. "Yeah, we're done for now. Just remember what I said. Stay out of trouble with the club and we'll be good. You feel me?" He turned to leave before I answered, but stopped and looked back before closing the door behind him.
I rolled my eyes at his expression. His eyebrows were raised in question, obviously waiting for my answer. "Yeah, I feel you," I mocked.
He nodded at Patty. "Tell your old man I'm coming by this week for some of his shine."
I vaguely remembered Patty telling me that her husband had a thing for making homemade moonshine. Something about a distillery the club had set up for him.
She lifted her chin. "Will do. He's got a fresh batch with your name on it."
Axel jerked his head and walked out without another word. The moment the door closed behind him, Patty let out a long, low whistle. "Girl, you better be careful with that one. He's all hot and handsome on the outside, but on the inside it's all dark and vicious. Comes with a scary bite too. If you know what I mean."
I blinked at her, barely comprehending what she meant. I started to ask for an explanation and changed my mind. "I don't think I want to know." I put my feet up on the little coffee table made out of reclaimed wood, also compliments of Patty, and picked up the remote. “We having a girl's night or what?"
"Sure are." Patty reached into her shoulder bag and produced the ingredients for margaritas, complete with a big bucket of mix and a giant bottle of cheap tequila.
I groaned. Why did I have a feeling this was a bad idea after all?
"I know you've got a blender stashed in here somewhere, so I brought all the fixings." She walked the five feet from living room to kitchen and bent under the sink. "But first I want to know all about your little visit with Axel. Sounds like you got that boy all riled up. Do I detect some interest on your part?"
I rolled my eyes again. At this rate I was going to have a headache before we started drinking. "You wish. He's a controlling pain in the ass. Or at least he likes to think he is." She didn't need to know any more than she already did about my pining for Houston, so if she thought I was interested in Axel I could live with that. If I got her to believe I was getting over my flash in the pan lover, then maybe she'd clue in the club and they'd give me a little more freedom.
She looked up, a huge grin on her face. "You got that right and I think you're going to fucking love it if you give him half the chance. I've heard some damn fine stories about his dick and how he uses it. He might be just what you need to finally get over things, you know? Maybe instead of more talking, you need more action of the bedroom kind. Now get your lazy ass in here and help me make these drinks."