Page 38 of Reckless Pawn

"Forget it. He's never going to be loyal to Wrath," Axel said. "He's going to turn tail and run again. Except this time he thinks he gets to take our only chance at finding the missing girl with him." He turned to Houston. "And that is NOT going to happen. You want to leave. Fine. But she stays here."

Houston exploded out of his seat and lunged across the table, wrapping his right hand around Axel's throat. "You lay one finger on her and I'll end you. I don't give a shit who you—"

Someone grabbed his shoulders, wrenching him away from his former best friend. JD slammed him against the wall, his forearm across Houston's throat cutting off his air supply.

"You really can't think straight when it comes to her." He pressed harder. "So let me make myself and this situation perfectly clear. No one here wants to hurt your girl. But we need her help. Now pull your shit together and take a fucking seat."

JD shoved him in the chest at the same time he released the hold across his neck. Houston gulped for air. Fucker was still strong as an ox. Age didn't seem to slow him down a bit.

"I'm getting tired of listening to him talk about Izzy like he knows what's best for her." He jerked his head at Axel. "No one but me gets to decide what's best for her."

"Fine. But I decide what's best for the club and that takes precedence. She ain't your old lady and until she is your decisions surrounding a club asset have limits."

He started to object and JD held up his hand. "Don't. I won't go against your decisions unless I have to. She's your girl. I already told you we got that and I'm not going to say it again. You of all people should know what that means."

He did. He'd been raised by the original Wrath old lady and he remembered exactly how much power his father held over her.

"I'm not like that," he hissed. "Not like him."

"No, you're not. But do you actually believe it when you say it?"

Houston looked around the table. His brothers watched him with way too much interest. He suddenly felt like a lab rat on display with everyone waiting for him to perform on cue. Because of that, he ignored the question. The constant white noise in his head roared louder. He needed a fucking drink.

"Did you tell her I was coming back?"

JD shook his head. "Nope. We had to do this first. Before you see her I need to know where you stand with the club."

This time Houston braced for the white-hot surge of anger to take him. Like a good soldier he anticipated his reactions and worked to overcome them before they clouded his judgement. He focused on the table. The reaper ingrained in the middle.

Reap what you sow.

That one line meant everything to him. It had been ingrained years ago and it wasn't coming out.

They had no idea how much he embraced the club motto over the years. It had become his lifeline. No matter the circumstances, whenever the darkness threatened him, he turned to the reaper and sought its strength.

Eventually the lines blurred and he became the reaper.

He would see this to the end.

It was the only vow he could make.

Chapter Fourteen


I was about to turn on the television and settle in for a binge watch ofThe Walking Dead, my latest obsession. Because of course every girl who lives alone on a secure compound with scary guys that scare the crap out of her, should watch something even scarier. A knock sounded at the door. I hesitated for a moment, my fingers hovering over the power button as I contemplated whether I could get away with ignoring it or not.

My latest watch dog had given in and returned home only a couple of hours ago and I was looking forward to a night filled with zombies and gore to take my mind off the constant thoughts running through my head.

I needed a break from the world.

Finally, on a heavy sigh I put the remote down and stood to answer it. Whether it was one of the guys from the clubhouse or Patty taking pity on me again, neither would go away until I answered and proved all was well. Everyone knew I was here. The princess wasn't allowed to wander too far from her gilded cage and tonight was my night off from the casino.

"Coming," I called out.

I set the bowl of popcorn on the side table and took the few remaining steps to the front door.

I pulled the door open. In hindsight, I should have asked who it was. Maybe if I had I could have avoided getting kicked in the teeth. Instead I looked up at to find it wasn't Patty at my door or another one of the guys from the club. It wastheguy.