Page 29 of Reckless Pawn

"No. The last thing I remember is sitting in the employee room thinking I needed to pee. And then you walking in here just now. Everything in between is blank." I closed my eyes and tried to relax. Clearly the stress of last night was getting to me. "Did I pass out?"

Sasha shook her head. "Not at the casino. But I don't know what happened after you left with that other hot biker."

My eyes shot open and I straightened my spine in alarm. "What other hot biker? And where exactly did all these strange hot bikers come from?" I didn't wait for her to answer before I marched to my front door and yanked it open.

Sure enough. There stood a hot biker I'd never seen before lounging on my front porch. I'd never noticed him around the compound before so I had no idea what his name was. But he had a Wrath cut on and it was one of those missing the rocker on it. That meant he was a prospective member, or someone hoping to become a member.

"You need something, darling?" He unfolded his tall body from one of the wooden chairs and now stood towering over me.

A slight unease crept over me.

"Nope. Just checking." I ran back inside and slammed the door shut behind me.

"What was that all about?" Sasha asked.

I shrugged. "Just wanted to see who was out there this time."

"This time?"

I moved into the kitchen and fished through my cabinets pulling out coffee beans, filters, sugar and a couple of mugs. "Long story," I answered. "You want coffee?"

"Yeah, coffee sounds good. Gives me time for this long story you've got to tell."

I sighed. This wasn't going to go very well if she planned to grill me. I did not want to get into any personal details of my life. "Maybe another time. First, I need to know what happened last night. Why can't I remember anything?"

A sudden image flashed through my brain. I was lying in bed wrapped in Houston's arms. The memory hit so sudden and strong I grabbed onto the edge of the countertop to steady myself. All I could see were his stormy blue eyes staring down at me and I wanted to get lost in them. Where I was safe.

"You ok?" Sasha walked up next to me and took the mugs out of my hands. "Do you feel sick? Maybe we need to get you in the bathroom. Or maybe we should call a doctor. I don't know the after effects of being roofied."

My head jerked to the side. "What?" My head pounded harder. "What are you talking about? Did you say roofied?"

"You really don't remember anything about last night do you?"

"I said that. Are you saying—holy shit, did I get slipped a roofie last night?"

Sasha's mouth flattened in a tight grim line. "More like you took one willingly. Sort of."

I was still holding onto the countertops and my fingers were turning white from the death grip I had on them. "What the hell are you talking about? Please start explaining now before I have a meltdown. I wouldn't risk taking any drugs."

"I will," she said, pulling my hands loose. "Just as soon as you go sit down and relax and I get some coffee made. I think you're going to need the caffeine to wrap your head around this mess."

She steered me away from the kitchen area and over to the small sofa on the opposite wall. "Do you have a computer in here or a phone you can use? I think we need to google and find out if you need to go to a doctor."

I shook my head. How was I supposed to explain that my time here so far was as a prisoner and that no outside communications were allowed? "That’s okay." She looked down at the cell phone she pulled from her purse. "Maybe if I go outside I can get a strong enough signal to get the job done."

I rolled my eyes. "You just want an excuse to go outside with the hot biker dude again."

She wagged her brows. "There is that. He's pretty damned sexy and new. I wouldn't mind being the one who breaks him in."

I waved her away. "I don't think I want to know. How about I finish the coffee while you go flirt and then I swear to God you have some explaining to do."

Sasha grinned. "You got a deal."

She didn't give me a chance to say anything else before she charged the door and disappeared through it. I heard her talking a mile a minute to the dude outside and it made me kind of smile. It felt weird to have her here. Almost like a real friend situation.

I looked around my small home that I was kind of starting to feel proud of. No I didn't buy it or pay rent or live exactly free, but this was kind of my first place all to myself. I took care of myself here as much as I could. I cooked (sort of). I cleaned and even decorated a little on my own using some of the items Patty brought me after studying Pinterest for hours on end.

I shook my head, freeing my mind from this weird train of thought. I wasn't some Susie Homemaker and this was not my house. But maybe if I did a good job for JD at the club's casino and I earned my own way, it would become less of a prison and more of a home.