Page 25 of Reckless Pawn

"You underestimate my father."

He pulled back and looked into her drowsy eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?"

She shrugged. "I've studied him my whole life. He's a lot smarter than anyone knows."

Houston leaned forward and kissed her nose. Even after everything, Frank was still the only father she had and those were some sticky bonds. He ought to know. He didn't need to see his father to feel them. Hardly a day went by when he didn't remember that his father was responsible for his mother's death. Who pulled the trigger didn't matter. His mother loved two men who both loved and hated each other. The relationship between them slowly took her life long before the gunshot did.

"Don't worry about Frank anymore. He's being taken care of. I promise."

She poked his nose. "You're silly. No one takes care of a Mazzeo. Whatever you believe about him is because that's what he wants you to believe. No one knows the truth except Frank himself. That's a guarantee you can take to the bank."

This conversation with her was getting weird. Obviously she was as high as a kite and didn't know half of what she said. Which meant he needed to make an exit—now.

"Hang on to that, princess. The club will take care of you, but I'll feel a whole better knowing you won't take shit from them either."

"Why do you hate the club so much? They don't seem that bad. Bossy and controlling absolutely. But it's still like a big weird family. And they seem to care about each other. Everyone needs a family, you know."

He frowned, his stomach clenching. "I don't hate the club, babe. I hate what happened to my family while in it. Made me believe I'd be better off without them. Now I don't know what to believe."

"How so?"

"Things have changed since I was a kid. They've got a lot more going on than just gratuitous sex, violence and drugs these days. Maybe once this is all over I can find a way to settle in again."

She stretched and rubbed against him again. "I like sex," she whispered. "With you."

All the blood in his body rushed south. Jesus H. She seemed to have a one-track mind and he wasn't a saint. So far from it in fact, he was tempted to do the unthinkable.

"You say that because you're drugged up, princess. Tomorrow you'll be hating life and me right along with it."

"Nuh uh."

She really was adorable like this and his cock was straining to get at her. He had to leave and leave NOW before he did something they would both regret.

"You need to get some sleep." His ride back to Seattle was going to hurt like a bitch.

"Please don't leave me again."

Her plea ripped through some of his resolve as he pulled her tight in his arms and whispered into her hair. "Trust me, princess. There's nowhere I'd rather be than right here with you. I only leave because I need you safe."

She deserved so much better than him. In the morning she'd remember the real him that she'd witnessed first-hand and it would be good he was gone. He never planned to see that look on her face again.

"Then give me that kiss, Houston. I deserve at least that."

God, how was she so resilient? After the trauma she suffered, there should be no men in her bed. His hands grabbed her tighter. Eventually there would be. Likely in fact before he ever returned. Someone this sweet would not go unclaimed for long. His heart ached for it to be him. Whether he deserved it or not didn't always matter in his head. Shit, he was so fucked up.

He pressed his mouth to her neck and savored her sweet, satiny skin. The perfume she wore made his body riot. Fuck me perfume. He needed to get as much of her inside him as he could so it would sustain him through what he had to do. Her father had hurt her as deeply as a woman could be hurt and for that he would make the man pay. Slowly and methodically.

His tongue darted out and tasted her, his head almost exploding. If he kissed her mouth could he stop? She brought out something deeply primal in him. A need so close to the surface it was difficult to put back away.

"You smell so good, princess. I'll never get it out of my head." Fuck. He had no business saying these things to her. Except in the morning she wouldn't remember he reminded himself. At this point he was definitely counting on that.

"Mmm," she murmured. Her body relaxed against him.

He kissed his way up her neck to her jaw and lingered there, almost afraid to touch her lips. Did he have the control to stop? He wasn't sure.

Fuck it.

He covered her mouth with his and kissed her deep. His tongue delved inside only to be met by hers. Tiny fingernails dug into his arms as the essence of Izzy broke him. She was so open and warm. He was only a man and sometimes men had to act on their needs when a woman wanted them like this one.