Page 22 of Reckless Pawn

If not for the woman nestled in his arms right now, he'd have his hand wrapped around the bitch's neck with the intent of teaching her a fucking lesson. "Why was she freaking out?"

"One of the customers got a little handsy with her tonight, which happens you know. But little whiner freaked and looked like she was having a panic attack."

"Where the fuck was Eva during all this? What the hell kind of shit show is she running around here?"

Both women blanched. "She didn't know. It was closing time and we didn't think it would be a big deal. I was taking her home." Blondie sounded desperate to explain everything away.

"I'm fine. I don't know why everyone is yelling. Put me down." Izzy squirmed in his arms.

"No," he said and turned back to the other women.

"I'm taking her home. I'll make sure nothing happens to her."


"But fucking nothing. You two need to get your shit together and probably start packing because I doubt after this you'll have a job tomorrow."

"What?" the redhead exploded. "That is bullshit. We helped her ass. You think if we told Eva about her stupid little panic attack she'd still have a job?"

"I think the both of you had better get the fuck out of my face before I do something stupid."

The redhead was about to mount another attack when the blonde yanked her back by the arm. "Mandy, let's go. You've done enough tonight."

"Me? What the fuck? You're the one kissing this chick's ass all night trying to suck information out of her and now a brother is threatening us for taking care of her? That's fucking bullshit."

Fortunately for her, the blonde had a death grip on the bitch's upper arm and was currently dragging her out the front door.

"Uhh—I don't feel so good."

Houston looked down at Izzy to see her skin had paled even further. "Shit."

He turned and looked for something to use. He ran behind the bar and grabbed the trashcan from underneath it. He slid her feet to the floor and bent her over it just in time. One minute she was squirming in his arms and the next she was on her knees throwing up. He gathered her hair to the nape of her neck and held it out of the way. "It's okay, babe. I've got you."

When there was nothing left but an occasional dry heave, he handed her some napkins from on top of the bar to wipe her mouth.

"Thank you," she said.

He hoped this meant she got that drug out of her system. It scared the hell out of him imagining her walking the compound alone and half out of her mind. He would have to discuss her safety with JD once he got her home and settled.

"C'mon, let's get you home."

She nodded and stood on shaky feet. Rather than help her walk out he simply lifted her in his arms again and carried her. He looked at his bike for a half a second before realizing he wasn't getting her anywhere that way. By foot it was.

The entire walk through the woods neither said anything. Shortly after he picked her up her eyes slid shut and her breathing evened out. He suspected the roofie had done its job after all and she was either asleep or too out of it to care.

To his surprise she wasn't asleep. "Where are you taking me?" she asked, her eyes still firmly shut.

"Your place. You need to get some sleep."

"What are you doing here?"

Unfortunately, that question sounded entirely too lucid. And he wasn't going to lie to her or give her false hope. If he gave in now he would only hurt her all over again when he left. "Came to see JD. Found you instead."

She didn't say anymore. Whether the tension he sensed was real or not, it shredded him with every step he took with her in his arms. He looked down at her. God, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her fucking wild mane of gorgeous hair cascaded down his arm like layers and layers of expensive silk sheets, eliciting a reaction with every move.

He vividly remembered what it felt like to hold her hair as he thrust into her from behind. He still heard the noises she made when he made her come like that. Her head held back, his body possessing hers.
