"You're the one who stays in the cabin, aren't you?" she asked.
Caught off guard I didn't know what to say. "Uhh—yeah."
"All the girls are curious about you. One day the cabin is being used for whatever with the guys and the next we were told it was strictly off limits. Only Patty was allowed to go near it. Made everyone want to know what was up. Especially since Patty has been tight lipped as hell about your presence. Then a month or so ago, one of the women working the clubhouse caught sight of you coming out and everyone's been speculating nonstop."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because as far as anyone can tell there's been no new old ladies claimed in more than a year and suddenly some young, pretty girl is being kept hidden. That's unusual around here."
"Unusual how?" I slipped off my Converse, stowing them in a locker and sliding into the heels while trying to act all casual about the girls' interest in me.
"Well, for one, any of the girls around here not claimed don't get cabins. Especially not that close to the clubhouse. We either live in our own apartments in town or in the big bunkhouse about a mile outside the gates."
"I don't—I mean—I guess it's complicated. Wait. There's a bunkhouse for the women?"
Sasha shrugged while still looking at me expectantly, obviously waiting for me to give her more information.
"If you're worried I'll tell anyone about your business, I won't. I'm one of the few who can actually keep a secret."
I laughed. "Well, at the moment I don't even understand my situation so trying to explain it to you would be a colossal pain in the ass." I looked away, uncomfortable with the vibe I was getting from my new coworker. She was fishing and I didn't know her well enough to judge her motives. "So what's next? What do you need me to help with?"
"I get it. None of my business," she answered, frowning. "C'mon I'll take you up front and explain what will happen tonight."
Suppressing a sigh, I followed her through the door. I got the feeling whatever friendship could have started had just come to a screeching halt when I had not shared my life story. Of course, nearly crashing into the still grumpy Mandy as she came through the door I was trying to exit didn't help.
"Excuse you," she snapped.
I sidestepped, ducking my head to hide my reaction, her haughty tone grating on my nerves. "Sorry."
"Don't mind her," Sasha said. "She's been a bitch lately. She thought when Cain got his rocker he would claim her and when he didn't she got pissed. Been hard to deal with ever since."
"You really don't know anything about the club, do you?"
I shook my head. I was learning, but there were still many gaps that needed filled. Although after snubbing Sasha in the break room I doubted she would be forthcoming with more information than she had to.
I was so wrong.
"Cain came in a couple of years ago as a prospect, that's a prospective member undergoing a probationary period. He gets a Wrath cut but until they vote him in permanently he doesn't have the full patch."
"The bottom rocker. Just like on—"
She whirled around and jabbed a finger to her lips. "Shhh. Not just like anything. Okay?"
I held up my hands in surrender. "Okay. Got it."
"If you've been hanging out with Patty she should have taught you all this. JD ain't going to like one of his girls running around club property not knowing her place."
"I'm not one of JD's girls."
Sasha turned her head from side to side, her eyes wild as she searched. "Thank God no one heard you say that. You live on the club compound and you now work in the club casino. That makes you a club girl and by extension one of JD's girls. He's the club president. He owns everyone here."
My head was starting to spin with all the attitude being flung around the room. I so badly wanted to tell her the truth. That I really wasn't one of 'his' girls. If anything I was 'his' prisoner. "I think I'm going to stop talking now and just let you explain what I need to do. I seem to have started a new habit of opening my mouth and inserting my foot."
Sasha laughed. "You're different, that's for sure. But I think you'll be fine." She swept her arm around the room. "Around here it's pretty much what you see is what you get. The game tables and the bar make up most of the main action in here. We're a no-frills facility except for us."