Page 16 of Reckless Pawn

I wasn't exactly afraid of the dark when I was safely locked behind closed doors, but alone, this was different. Out here in the darkness with no one around to hear me scream, I felt vulnerable and I didn't like it.

Maybe I sounded paranoid, but after everything I'd been through didn't I deserve a little paranoia?

Thank God I'd worn my Chucks for the walk over and not the heels Patty had given me. I did not need to fall and break my neck. I dashed past the few cars in the parking lot and hurried in. I was nervous about meeting the other employees. Patty had explained that the club guys rotated through the casino to keep an eye on things, but for the most part the facility was run by women who belonged to the club in one way or another. I didn't ask her to clarify what that meant and she didn't offer.

I had a feeling there were some things I was better off not knowing.

Although, every time I heard that phrase 'belonged to the club' I got a shiver up my spine and not in a good way. In a sense women were treated here similar to the way they were treated in my father's organization. We were good for looking pretty, catering to the men, taking care of the children and most of all, fucking.

Although here the wives, or old ladies as they called them, were respected. They still weren't members of the club, but they were treated with kid gloves and loved by all. Take Patty for example. In addition to keeping an eye out for me and getting me up to speed on the club, she managed a small clinic the club had a vested interest in as well as the chain of coffee huts the club owned. Not an easy feat considering there were almost a dozen of them now. She didn't just manage them though. They were her brain child.

When the club was looking to expand into new ventures (read: legal), she put together a business plan and pitched it at one of their gatherings. Not at church though, because only club members were allowed in those. They called their official meetings church. I swear they had a strange name for everything and sometimes it was like living in a different world.

An older woman with red hair, dressed in a skintight black dress and a cigarette in her hand, greeted me when I entered. "You must be Isabella. I'm Eva."

I nodded. "Izzy."

She stepped closer and looked me over from head to toe. "The skirt and blouse will do for tonight, but I hope you've got something in that bag besides those shoes." She pointed at my feet. "Those are hideous."

"I do. I walked over through the woods and didn't want to break my neck in these heels." I pulled the four-inch black peep toed pumps from my bag and held them up.

She nodded, pursing her lips. "Much better. But if you walked over here then you come see me before you leave tonight. We aren't done here sometimes until two or three a.m. and I won't have one of my girls walking home unescorted."

I started to protest that I didn't need anyone to take me home, but I'd already lost her attention. She looked around the room and called over the other women. "Sasha, Meg and Mandy. Get your asses over here so you can meet our new girl."

The three women dropped what they were doing and hustled over. "This is Izzy. She's starting tonight and will probably be working a couple of nights a week until we see if we like her."

"Hi, I'm Sasha." The gorgeous blonde with really big boobs stepped forward and held out her hand.

"Hi," I said, feeling a little inadequate next to such a perfect woman.

"Meg." This came from the pretty brunette dressed in a white blouse and the shortest shorts I had ever seen. But she had the legs to make them work and I envied her. She also wore her hair in a sleek ponytail with giant diamonds fastened to her ears and enough makeup to put all my Italian sisters to shame. I guess it was to be expected that the club didn't employ ordinary looking women. Although next to these three I didn't compare. I silently thanked my lucky stars I packed my make up before coming to work, as I definitely needed a lot more to fit in.

The third woman said nothing to me as she stood facing me with arms crossed and a sour look on what could have been a pretty face if she didn't look so pissed off. "Why do we need a new girl? We do just fine as we are now and having her here means less tips for the rest of us."

"Chill, Mandy. She's not going to be competing for your tips or side jobs. She's only here to be a hostess."

I was instantly curious to know what she referred to as her side jobs, although I could certainly imagine. I probably didn't really want to know, but that didn't stop me from dying of curiosity anyway. However, things were beginning to feel a little surreal and I got the feeling the less I knew the better.

"Got any hostessing experience?" Eva asked.

"Not exactly, but I learn quick." How different from my father's soirees could it be?

Mandy snorted rather loudly. Clearly, she wasn't happy I was there and was determined to make sure I didn't forget it.

Sasha stepped forward. "Ignore her. Why don't I show you around? That okay, Eva?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Make sure she gets rid of those hideous things on her feet. I don't ever want to see those again."

Sasha looked down at my feet and laughed. "Will do, boss." She steered me away from the other women, past all of the gaming tables and through a discreet side door partially hidden by dark, heavy curtains.

"This is our employee room/break room/storage room/whatever else is needed room. We might have some extra shoes back here that would work for you." She opened a huge closet where a variety of women's clothing resided. Everything from dresses to costumes, complete with an array of shoes to go with each outfit.

"I—uh." I reached behind me and fished my pumps out of my bag again. "I brought my own." I held up the glossy black pumps and Sasha laughed.

"Those are perfect. Why don't you go ahead and change and put your stuff in one of the available lockers? Then we'll get started."

I nodded and did as she instructed.