I dropped my head in my hands and muttered under my breath, "Figures."
"You'll soon learn that's not a bad thing." He leaned back in the booth and spread his arms along the ledge. "Now tell me about this thing I heard about you wanting to go to work."
I didn't look up at him because my pulse was pounding at my temples and I was afraid of what I'd see if I looked him in the eye. Axel worked much faster than I expected and I hadn't exactly prepared for an interview.
"Uhm. I've been here for kind of a while now and I'm tired of being cooped up. I mean... it's hard not having anything to do all day. I'm going a little crazy."
"Some might call it a much needed vacation." He leaned forward, fanning his big fingers along the table's edge. "And some might appreciate it."
I finally looked up and met his gaze. "It's hard to be appreciative when I feel like a prisoner." If he was going to hit me with statements like that, he'd get them right back. This I had experience with.
The workings of a smile tipped up the corners of his mouth. "Well then, let’s make this official. Tell me about your work history. Before I can figure out how you'd be useful to the club, I need to know what skills you have."
I wasn't about to remind him of my most recently gained skills unless I had to. Sex worker was never going to be on my list of want to do's.
"Look, I'm sure we both know that I've led a sheltered life. Had servants to do my bidding, although I tried not to be an asshole about it. I've never cooked a meal in my life until now and that skill is definitely questionable. And I was never allowed to take a real job beyond administrative volunteer work for certain charities that were preapproved." I looked around the room. "I've organized casino nights for charities before. So I've kind of worked in a place like this. They were pretty successful, too."
"I bet they were. Pretty young girl like you can probably talk any man in the room into parting with his money at one of the gaming tables."
I wasn't one hundred percent sure if he was paying me a compliment or not, but now seemed like a good time not to contradict him. "I'm willing to do whatever you want. I really don't care as long as it gives me something to do and maybe a little hope for the future somewhere."
His eyes narrowed as he mulled over what I said. I meant what I'd said. I'd do anything if it gave me a little freedom. I only prayed it wasn't sex. Although if that's all he offered, I would probably consider it anyway.
"I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but if I don't have anything better to do, I can't guarantee I will stay out of trouble. Bored is not a good thing for me."
His eyes kind of changed, taking on a bit of humor although he did not laugh or smile. "I'm not letting you into the clubhouse. The women who work there are pretty territorial and they'd chew you up and spit you out in a heartbeat. With no waitressing or kitchen skills, scratch those off the list too. That conveniently leaves the casino, the one place no one gets a job until they've earned my trust."
My shoulders sagged and my hope deflated. It was exactly what I expected. There'd be no job for me here. Except I couldn't stand the thought of being sent back to my cabin to sit in front of the television every day or eat my craptastic frozen meals alone, since I could barely boil water. I had only one option left and it was making my stomach burn.
"I know how to be a whore."
He said nothing, but his face twisted into an angry storm. His tanned skin turned red, making my insides shrivel up in fear.
"I've been known to be a bastard a time or two in my life, but that has to be the most insulting thing I've ever heard. And I've heard a lot of shit doing this job."
"I really don't mind. If something positive comes out of me being held captive in that house, all the better. Besides, I've seen the women coming and going from around here. No one seems to mind them. Why am I not as good as them? Do I need to audition or something?"
I was going to die if he said yes. Especially if that meant it would be with him—or worse, Axel.
He slammed his fist onto the table, rattling the dishes and making me jump. It seems I'd made him go from angry to much, much worse. "Those women are whores," he lowered his voice to a raspy tone that sent a shiver racing down my spine, "because they fucking love it. They'll do anything to get Wrath dick in one of their holes. To those women it's not just a job, it's an honor. Each and every one of them would get down on their hands and knees and greedily accept as much cock in their pussy, ass or mouth as they can get. Can you say the same? You ready for me to call all the boys in here and make each one of them fuck you until you can't walk back out of here? Cause that's what it would take for me to believe you want to be a club whore."
By the time he finished his tirade I was shaking from head to toe. Every bad memory of my time with Marco was shredding me from the inside out. I looked at the man glowering at me from across the table. "You're right about one thing."
"Oh yeah? What is that, little girl? How old are you anyway? Nineteen? Eighteen?"
"You are a bastard," I said with a shaky voice. "I didn't ask to be brought here. I sure as hell didn't deserve to be dumped here by the rat bastard I had the unfortunate luck of spending a weekend with. Maybe it's time you minded your own business. All of it. Rat bastard and all. I don't belong here and I don't belong to your precious fucking club."
Before he could start yelling at me again, I slid from the booth and ran for the door. I didn't care what he was the president of, I was sick to death of being treated like shit.
Halfway to the exit I stopped and turned around. "I'm twenty-one, by the way. And yes, I may be young, but I'm smartandcapable. So you don't have to bully or intimidate me to get what you want. Respect goes both ways, you know. Besides, all I'm asking is for a chance to be useful."
On that note I disappeared through the door without looking back again.
Chapter Five
Watching silently as JD dealt with Izzy sent Axel spiraling into the past. His anger with Houston had dimmed over the years, but his reappearance followed by the rescue of Izzy from the clutches of a very dark place had re-opened old wounds and created new problems needing to be dealt with. If he wasn’t careful, this situation could definitely get out of hand and leave them right back where they started all those years ago.