I had so many unanswered questions and no one to answer them. I'd tried asking Patty, but she'd thrown up a hand and reminded me that it was club business for members only. That she blindly accepted that drove me a little crazier each time she said it.
I circled the parking lot, making sure the coast was clear before crossing over to the front window. I pressed my face to the glass and despite the dark tinting that mostly hid the outside world, I could make out a large space with tables scattered all around. My imagination ran wild as I thought of all the different scenarios that could happen in a club like this. Besides poker and blackjack, did they offer hookers and more? Were there back rooms for 'other' activities?
Thinking about this place and the action it probably saw brought memories from my past to the forefront of my mind, especially the many nights my father sat in his own private gaming room with his buddies and their endless hours of poker. He had only a few vices, but gambling was one of his worst. Cards, horses, fights. Whatever. You name it and he'd bet on it.
Despair began to settle around me again, partially fueled by the lingering hangover and the rest from old memories best forgotten. Previously happy childhood memories were all now tainted by my father's evil. I was so wrapped up in the past, I didn't hear the present until it was too late.
"Hey girl." A deep voice rumbled behind me. I jumped, losing my balance and grabbed the bars on the window to keep from falling on my face.
I knew that voice. I'd only seen him on a few occasions, but he had a distinct rumbling timber that could not be forgotten.
I was busted—again.
I turned around slowly and faced the hulking man behind me, the president of the MC. He was a lot older than either Axel or Houston, but even with the salt and pepper hair and wrinkles around the eyes, he was a damned good-looking man. Time had been good to him. There was no middle-aged paunch and like the rest of the guys I'd seen, he had muscles on top of muscles that just wouldn't quit.
If I had the right kind of daddy issues or a thing for older men… I shook my head to free my crazy thoughts. My brain had a tendency to behave like a runaway train if I didn't keep it in check.
"If you're going to press your face to the glass like a kid in front of a candy store, you might as well come inside."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—" I stopped and took a calming breath. "I was feeling restless and came out for a walk. I didn't expect anyone to be here. I wasn't snooping, I swear. I was just curious about what the inside looks like."
He did this little smirky smile thing that caught me off guard, making it impossible to tell if he was angry or not. He also said nothing, which meant I felt obligated to fill in the empty space.
"I was just going home. I really didn't mean to do anything, I promise."
"Relax and stop your yammering, I said you could go in, you go in."
I didn't want to make him any madder than he already was, so I did as he said and walked towards the front door. I heard him move behind me as my heart pounded faster with every step. What was he going to do to me? I couldn't take the suspense. I started to turn and ask—
"Not yet, girly. Just keep going. We'll talk inside."
I somehow managed to put one foot in front of the other despite my wobbling knees and pulled the door open into the dim cavernous building. In the low light coming from the front window I could easily see everything. From the blackjack and roulette tables lined up in the front to more tables running down the sides and all the way back to the cordoned off area that I could imagine held the more high-stakes poker games. And according to the sign next to the entrance, that's exactly what it was.
In the far corner along the right wall stood a long worn, wooden bar that had seen better days. The shelves behind it were well stocked with what looked to be every brand of alcohol known to man and then some.
"Come back here and have a seat with me." He motioned to a booth in the far corner of the cordoned off area. I hesitated, waiting for him to take the lead so I could follow him back instead of the other way around. Yes, he made me paranoid like that.
When he motioned for me to take a seat, I did. The headache from earlier had reemerged in full force and my stomach quivered over what was to come. As much as I gave Axel and some of the other guys a hard time, JD scared the hell out of me.
"You don't have to look so frightened. I'm not going to hurt you."
"But Axel—"
"Was supposed to make sure that you didn't enter the clubhouse again without permission. This is not the clubhouse and I invited you in. Big difference."
"You're not angry with me then?"
He sighed rather loudly, the noise filling the empty room. "Not angry per se, but still perplexed and somewhat annoyed. Some of which might be my fault since we haven't had a chance to sit down and chat. We might as well take care of that now, don't you think?"
I nodded, biting my lip to the point of pain. To be honest, it was about the last thing I wanted to do. "Uhm. Any chance you have any Tylenol in here?"
He smiled, transforming his face into something a little less scary although still as intimidating. "A little too much fun with Patty last night?"
I jerked my head up. "You know about that?"
His eyebrows climbed into his thick, dark hair. "It's my job to know everything that's going on in my club and that includes the women. While I give Patty a lot of leeway because of her old man, I still have eyes on her when she is here."