Page 8 of In Their Arms

“What now?” I ask, a sob racketing through my chest as I pull away, glancing over at Maceo. He’s bent over Blake, softly kissing his cheek. God, my heart breaks at the scene, something so picturesque and yet so heartbreaking at the same time.

Maceo lets out a little growl, unearthing his phone to stare at the screen and then decline a call. It takes me a moment to realize that it’s my phone, the one I’ve avoided since Hudson decided to start calling repeatedly despite the protective order. However, I have no idea why he has my phone with him. “Why is that here? Maceo? Why… is he calling?”

Maceo doesn’t answer me but I can see in the way his face twists up and his expression darkens that it isn’t good. I stomp around the bed and slip my phone from his hands, horror bleeding through me as I start scrolling through numerous declined calls and messages that would terrify just about anyone.

The possessive nature grows with each message, until it’s almost threatening. He wants me back but it’s the way his words stare back at me. The way that I’m nothing more than an accessory to his life. A symbol of status even if he doesn’t treat me that way.

Come home now before this gets worse for you.

Do you think they’ll keep you?

You’re mine. I will always find you.

But it’s the next message that comes through that has me shaking, eyes widening and fear making me stumble into the bed. Maceo steadies me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he slips the phone from my grasp.

Seems that I’m allowed to drag your ungrateful ass back home because I’m your only Alpha that hasn’t broken the law.

“We’re out of time, aren’t we?” I ask, my voice cracking on the last word. Maceo and Grayson mentioned that giving me another Alpha bite would save me from Hudson’s tactics, but I didn’t think it was going to be this urgent.

Maceo presses a kiss to the side of my head before turning to face me fully. “I know this is the worst possible timing with everything going on,” he says, and I already know I’m not going to like the rest of this sentence, “but it seems that Hudson might have legal grounds to take you back. And I can’t keep dodging his calls anymore. Sweetheart…”

He doesn’t finish the sentence but I don’t need him to. He’s saying that Grayson has to give me his bite now. Even a temporary one to put his claim on me but I can’t fathom for one second leaving this room. “No, no. I’m not going anywhere.” Panic flares in my chest and I finally realize Blake’s reaction to every time I left the room. It feels like I’m losing him, that if I step outside he’ll disappear and I won’t be able to get him back.

My Beta tugs me into his lap, letting me curl up against his chest as he wraps his arms around me. His purr rattles through his chest, providing a calm I so desperately need as I try to grapple with my reality. “I wish we had more time, sweetheart. I wish we could draw this out, court you, show you how much we adore you and how precious you are but your safety comes first. Will you let Grayson give you his bite to protect you?”

I’m in no mood to have sex right now, even if Blake’s scent has my cock hard and slick gathering around my hole. It’s easy to block that part out because the rest of my reality is suffering. “I—I—can’t,” I finally push out, hating myself.

Grayson rounds the bed, sitting on the edge beside us. “Luca, baby, look at me. There’s another option. It’s temporary but it would at least provide you enough protection to keep you from Hudson.” I perk up just a little. “An Alpha’s bite claims regardless of the situation that it’s in but it’s only permanent when we give into our biological needs.”

Maceo smiles down at me, nodding. “And then when we get home, Grayson can bond you all over again, showing you off to the rest of us.”

The thought of Blake, Luther, and Maceo watching has a tendril of heat swirling through my belly before it disappears and I nod. “Okay.”

“Then go let your Alpha bond you. I’ll be right here to make sure nothing changes with Blake.”

I scrunch my nose, lips pressing into a frown. It’s not fair. Maceo chuckles, the sound soft against my skin, breath warm against the side of my face. I shift slightly, tilting my head, pressing the smallest kiss to his cheek, lingering there for a fraction of a second. Then I whisper, “Our Alpha.”

Slipping from his lap, I turn to Blake first, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. His skin is so cold compared to Maceo’s and it feels like death is staring me in the face even if I know it’s not. Still, I linger there, drinking in his scent until I’ve convinced myself he’ll still be here when I return. “Come back to me, Bear. If you do nothing else, give me that.”

His lids twitch just enough, a movement that’s barely there but it’s enough. I blow out a heavy breath and face my other two mates. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Grayson snorts, holding out an arm for me to curl into. “Luca, another Alpha has to approve this union for it to be legally sound. Any of the doctors here can do it other than Quentin but it can’t be in here.”

“Why not?”

“Because a claiming bite involves a lot more than my teeth, sweetheart. Instincts and pheromones ride high and that kind of jolt to the system might provide more stress to Blake when your scent goes all sweet.” I’m about to protest that when Grayson chuckles, cupping my cheek in his free hand. “Luca, you have no idea how your scent blossomed when Luther bit you. I fucked Blake so hard, needing release after that syrupy scent all but suffocated us in your nest. This temporary bite won’t be as strong but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

I nod, making sure Maceo isn’t going to leave Blake’s side even for a moment. He promises and something about the raw emotion in his voice gives me enough strength to walk out into the hallway. Grayson does all the talking and explaining of the awkward situation we’re in. There’s nothing illegal about bonding a mated Omega so long as the Omega okays it. It’s a different situation when they’re in heat or unable to give consent.

And now, I’m going to let some stranger watch as Grayson gives me the one thing every Omega wants in the world—a bond. I want it so damn bad. I’ve wanted Grayson since the first time he and Blake shared me and even though I’m finally getting it, my heart is still breaking. For some reason, it feels like this won’t save me.

We’re led into a small room off the side of Blake’s, my gaze trained on the door as a doctor closes it, barring my view of my Omega. My heart constricts as I step closer to Grayson, wondering how all of this is supposed to work. After all, the very first bite I endured was in pain and my second was in love. And this one… I crave it, want it,needit but it’s also born out of necessity. It doesn’t help that the room is cold and lifeless, impersonable in the worst way.

The scent of antiseptic clings to everything, burning the inside of my nose with every breath. It makes my stomach twist, makes my skin itch, makes the entire situation feel wrong in a way I can’t put into words.

The Alpha pulls up a chair to the edge of the bed and settles into it, his gaze assessing the two of us before scribbling a few things on the clipboard he brought with him. He is older, an Alpha with graying hair and a lined face that betrays nothing. When he speaks, his tone is detached, almost as cold as this room. “Your Alpha made me aware that this is a temporary claiming which means that he does not have to knot you. However, I will still have you undress to ensure that you are not under duress in any way. There will be a few questions and then your Alpha will be able to claim you should your answers be satisfactory.”

It just feels so methodical.