It isn’t until I tell them I’ll touch base later that I let out the most embarrassing whine, slick gather between my thighs as my body urges me to find relief. Seconds later, my phone is vibrating, the silent addition to that secret chat calling me.
I hesitate. I haven’t spoken to her in a while. Not since she needed something signed and Grayson was busy. It wasn’t like I was supposed to be working then, and I sure as hell shouldn’t be working now but I answer anyway. "Didn’t expect to hear from you," I say, rubbing at my temple as I sink deeper into the nest, staring at the ceiling like it might give me some kind of answer.
There’s a pause, then Addie sighs. "How are you really doing?"
I snort, shaking my head. "What happened to keeping personal stuff out of the business?" I rub a hand at my chest, knowing full well she’s going to ask questions or talk about shit that I’m trying to avoid. My jaw clenches as slick gathers around my hole, starting to slip down my thighs. I’m going to be a whining mess in a few moments and I’m both terrified and pissed off that I can’t control it.
“Blake, that doesn’t apply in a situation like this."
I pinch the bridge of my nose, exhaling through my teeth. "What do you want, Addie?"
"I just told you. I want to know how you’re holding up." She pauses, then, softer, "Blake, I’ve worked for you long enough to know how you handle things. And I’ve seen you time and time again push away your Omega instincts in lieu of work."
I frown, shifting slightly, the weight of her words settling in uncomfortably. "That’s not true."
"Blake," Addie says, like she’s trying to drive the truth straight through my thick skull. "You’re currently talking about work when I know your house is in chaos. I never told you this but you probably don’t really remember me from school. We didn’t always run in the same circles, but I knew Grayson. And by proxy, you."
I don’t say anything.
"You’ve always attacked problems head-on," she continues. "That’s why I love working for you. But you can’t do that with this. You will stress yourself out until there’s nothing left."
I grumble, shifting against the pillows, my body too hot, too restless. "What, you’re my therapist now?"
Addie laughs, but there’s something sad in it, something knowing. "I should know, Blake. I did it myself. My Alphas dragged me out of a very dark place and I don’t want that for you."
"What are you asking me to do?" My voice is barely above a whisper, a whine at the edge of my voice as I begin to lose myself to that awful Omega haze.
Addie doesn’t hesitate. "I’m telling you that of all times, this is the time to lean. You’re searching for a distraction, that’s what your mates are for. Seek them out, Blake. A bond only tells so much, but you showing up in their space, demanding attention? You’ll see. It’ll make you feel better."
She doesn’t say anything else, just telling me good luck and then hanging up as I bury my face into the pillows. Another whine tears from my throat as I prop my ass up in the air, rocking back against nothing, seeking friction when there is none. A cramp tears through me as I continue rocking back, more slick pooling between my legs until my pants are fully soaked. My scent sweetens into a thick, syrupy pear and honey aroma until my stomach is twisting with need, my cock already leaking as I struggle to truly come to terms that I’m in heat.
Not an almost heat.
Not just a needy Omega.
No, my body is preparing me for a heat that I’m not ready for and don’t want. And fuck, I can already feel that this one might break me.
I stumble to my feet, blindly heading into the hallway, a whine slipping through my teeth. Grayson and Maceo’s voices are barely a murmur, a sound that abruptly stops once they catch my scent. I’m holding onto the last threads of my sanity, a distressed, strangled sound tearing from my throat. My whole body locks up. I freeze in place, fingers twitching at my sides, a growl spilling from my throat as I hunch in on myself. “Fuck,” I mutter, voice tight, humiliation washing over me in a hot wave. “This is embarrassing.”
It's cute when Luca does it but I don’t know why I hate it so goddamn much. Grayson is in front of me in the next second, gathering me up against his chest. I’m already trying to claw at his pants—his shirt nicely wove into my nest, grumbling through every moment. “I like when you need us, Blake,” he murmurs against the top of my head. “What is it, babe? What do you need?”
It’s a testament to how much Grayson loves me that he doesn’t just try to carry me into my nest and fuck me through it. He’ll make me ask for it and then he’ll make sure it’s what I want. I don’t want to ask for it, though. I want him to take. I want him to give. I need to not think anymore, the effects of that pill are already wearing off. It seems the heat spike is blasting through it.
Words don’t seem to be enough as I drag my tongue across one of his pecks, Grayson shuddering beneath my teeth. A mix of sweat and his earthy scent takes over, more slick gathering in my pants. “Knot, please.” The plea falls from my lips in a mixture of agony and embarrassment as my legs buckle, my Alpha catching me and carrying me back into the room.
He’s already laying me in the middle of my nest, Maceo not even two steps behind. When my Beta stays just outside of the nest, a low growl rumbles up my throat before I can stop it, a deep, needy sound, and I reach out, grabbing at Maceo’s wrist, tugging him in.
He chuckles, but he doesn’t fight me. He lets me pull him closer, lets me dig my fingers into his arm, lets me press against him like I need this to survive. His calming scent wraps around me even as Grayson laughs as he tries to get my shirt off. “Babe, if one of us is going to help, we need to get the clothes off.”
I know that but I can’t seem to stop moving, clawing, whining. This is the part that I hate, the wordless, neediness where I’m just a bunch of sounds and slick. I can’t control anything. I can’t demand what I want. I’m just… here.
“Relax, genius,” Maceo murmurs, his chin resting against the top of my head. “We’ve got you.”
Fuck, I’m trying and even as Grayson finally gets my shirt off, I’m all but panting, burying my face into Maceo’s chest, praying that the painful pleasure goes away sooner than later. Maceo presses a kiss to my forehead as he removes my glasses.
All those emotions I was trying to push away crash in at once, Luca’s fear and that pang of loneliness hovering around him. Luther’s anger. Grayson’s worry. I can even somehow feel Maceo a little bit, confusion and concern. It just makes it hurt all that much worse as Grayson drags down my soaked pants and boxers. In the next second, Grayson is flush against my back, Maceo distracting me with soft kisses.