I’m not sure what I expected stepping into the station, the stench of sweat, burnt coffee, and bad cologne assaulting my senses. It clings to the back of my throat, mixing with the bile that hasn’t settled since the call came through. An hour ago, Detective Ward reached out, saying that he had a small window of time where I’d be able to meet Luther, to see my Alpha and fuck, I was going to take it. It had been three days since he had walked himself into that station and to say that we were drowning as a pack was an understatement.
I thought it would be easier to handle, that it was just going to be a mix-up of epic proportions, Maceo would find a way to get Luther released, and we’d move on with our lives. None of that has happened and now we’ve got two stressed Omegas wrapped around each other in Luca’s nest, Maceo trying to figure out where he fits in, and me hopelessly holding on while my rock and my biggest source of comfort is sitting in a jail cell, locked away like a fucking criminal.
Detective Ward leads me down a small hallway, away from the main rooms, almost as if he doesn’t have permission to let me see Luther. “Detective—”
“Yes, I’m breaking some rules. Don’t mention it. I’ve seen my fair share of fucked up shit in this world but this doesn’t sit right with me.” Detective Ward turns to me as we stop just before a small room. “There is only so much I can do without having their grimy fingers all up my ass. Grayson, I need you to understand that this case isn’t going to be an easy one. Hudson has people in places I didn’t think was possible and I’m not sure if he’s sucking someone’s dick or paying them off but he has more pull than the mayor, himself.”
That just makes this situation worse. Luther and I have a pretty hefty bank account and connections that have served us well over the years but if Hudson is that tangled up in everyone’s business, we might not stand a chance.
“Thank you,” I manage.
He just shakes his head. “Don’t thank me for this shit. Thank me if I can somehow get this case dismissed. You’ve got ten minutes before they’ll notice he’s gone.”
I stare at the metal door, letting out a heavy breath, trying to prepare myself for what I’m going to see. However, when the door swings open, I’m not ready. My Alpha is leaning against the far wall, his head bowed, his arms folded tightly across his chest. He looks like he’s in deep thought, lost in his own head but that’s not what has my breath catching.
It’s the weariness that’s set into his shoulders, the exhaustion that claims his aura, and when he looks up at me, the flicker of despair almost breaks my heart. The door shuts behind me, the rattling of the frame spurring me into action.
I rush toward him, not caring about etiquette or anything else, needing my Alpha more than I thought I did. He catches me easily, wrapping those thick arms around my back, dragging me into a kiss I’ve been craving. His breath is warm, familiar, and I press closer, needing more, needing all of him. My body trembles as I clutch him tighter, fingers digging into the sharp cut of his jaw.
His purr rattles through his chest as he devours my lips, neither one of us wanting to leave this embrace but we’ve only got ten minutes and there are so many fucking things to say. Still, Luther switches our positions, pressing me against the wall, slowly rocking his hips against mine until I’m melting against him.
“Fuck, Alpha, I’m gonna fix this,” I whisper. “I swear to God, I’m gonna get you out.” I don’t even know what I’m saying. We’re up against a mad man, an Alpha who doesn’t know when to end the game, when to give in and give up. But I need Luther home because the cracks moving through our pack are starting to widen and I’m not sure if I can keep us together.
I lean back against the wall, placing a firm hand on Luther’s chest as his purr continues to hum beneath the surface. It has the intended effect, calming my racing thoughts, and giving me much-needed peace. “I was sure you’d be chained to the table or some bullshit with the way Maceo told me they treated you.” Luther reaches up to caress my cheek, his fingers moving down to wrap gently around the side of my neck. That’s when I see the light bruise around his wrist from metal that’s probably been there for days. Instead of focusing on it, I push the conversation elsewhere. “Have they said anything to you? Anything about official charges or bail or—”
Luther chuckles, pressing a kiss to the bridge of my nose. “Love,breathe.”
I comply, only because it’shim, but it’s ragged, shaky and my purr comes out as a pitiful rumble. The uncertainty and pain through the bond from Blake and Luca are weighing in on me, taking over Luther’s calm and steadfast addition. “How are you so fucking calm?” I ask, a pleading edge to my voice.
Luther is still caressing the side of my neck, offering me comfort while I’m trying so desperately hard not to break. “Because anything else will make this worse. Gray, don’t think for a second that I’m not raging, not falling apart at what Hudson is doing to us. However, all that rage would be felt by our Omegas and they don’t need to know how bad it is here.” He kisses me again, soft and slow, taking his time until I’m chasing his touch. “Peyton, pretty sure he’s on Hudson’s payroll, has been making it a point to dig up every single thing about my life. He wants to make it impossible for me to get out or at least bury me beneath enough paperwork until it’s too late to save Luca.”
Rage flickers through my expression but I weather my emotions, realizing just how much I’m adding to our Omegas’ distress. “Maceo said they’d be setting bail for you in a few days, maybe sooner if he can kick everything into gear. They’re stalling.”
“I’m not surprised. Once the right people investigate, they’ll see Hudson’s abuse and have to release me. Until then, it’s going to be a little while longer until I can come home.” Luther leans in, dragging his nose along my cheek, scenting me, coating me with that earthy leather scent I love so much. “How are our Omegas, Gray?”
I know that he knows. He can feel them the same way I do. The only difference is that he hasn’t seen them the way I have. I let out a pathetic sound, somewhere between a sigh and a groan, dropping my head back against the wall. “Fucking miserable.”
Luther’s purr starts up again, low and comforting, but it only makes the ache in my chest worse. Because he’s supposed to be there. He’s supposed to be home, holding them, touching them,protectingthem.
“They aren’t doing well,” I mumble, trying not to crumble as I remember their pitiful faces, the way they cling to each other as if it’s all they’ll need to survive this world. My fingers curl into Luther’s shirt as I meet his gaze. “Luca keeps hoping you’ll come home. Every time the door opens, every time he hears a sound, he looks up like it might be you.” I swallow hard, jaw clenching against the wave of frustration that’s been riding me since the moment they took Luther away. “He’s not sleeping. Either shivering or waking up from nightmares. He’s restless, but Blake—”
Luther’s face tightens, his eyes darkening until they’re almost black. His voice is quiet when he asks, “How bad is Blake?”
“He’s pale. Won’t leave Luca’s side. Won’t eat right. It’s like—” I break off, rubbing a hand down my face. I can still see it, the way Blake looked when I found him that morning. The way his whole body shook when he woke up alone. “He’s in pain when Luca isn’t there,” I murmur. “It’s like he physically hurts if he wakes up and Luca’s gone.”
Luther exhales slowly, his eyes shutting for a fraction of a second. “Shit.”
My heart twists as I remember the way Blake had looked at me, terrified, too exhausted to cry but still lost in it, drowning. Luca had just stepped into the shower. That was it. Just a few feet away, just out of sight. But when Blake woke up, he panicked, fingers clawing at the blankets. I had barely touched him before he was shaking his head, murmuring over and over,Luca’s next. Luca’s leaving next.It felt like my fucking heart cracked open.
“I don’t know how to fix it,” I admit, voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how to make him feel safe. He thinks people are leaving him. That Luca’s going to be next. We’re doing our best with what we’ve got,” I mutter. “But none of it’s good.”
Luther just holds me because it’s all he can do in this instance. I bury my head in his shoulder, warring with the last bit of information I have. “Spit it out, love.” There’s a growl attached to the edge of his words, his purr turning almost animalistic.
“Hudson’s blowing up Luca’s phone.” The bastard keeps calling. I’ve been in possession of Luca’s phone so our Omega doesn’t know but that doesn’t make it any better. Somehow, he’s gotten mine and Maceo’s number as well, constantly sending us messages and calling throughout the day with threats to return his Omega.