DINING SPOTLIGHT: Our specialty restaurants offer intimate dining experiences with enhanced scent dampening
Tonight’s Featured Dining:
Meridian Steakhouse - Premium cuts and extensive wine list
Tiger’s Table - Asian fusion
Crystal Dining Room - Classic cruise elegance
Live piano music in all specialty venues
Dress Code: Smart casual
Reservations required
Pack dining arrangements available
Sommelier service upon request
I rounded the corner into the dining room and stopped dead.
He was standing at our assigned table, like he’d just arrived. He had no right to be that beautiful. He kept his hair shorter now, but it better suited the angles in his face. Another suit. Not Armani, but it didn’t matter. He still looked good.
Good and pissed. I widened my field of vision to take in the entire scene. Bob loomed over Mackenzie’s chair, one meaty hand planted on the table beside her wineglass as he leaned down to speak to her. Across from her, Theo stared at his lap, methodically twisting his napkin into knots. And Ren was 30 seconds from ripping his arm off.
“Omegas should be grateful for the attention,” Bob was saying, his aura pressing down on the table as I approached.
“Absolutely fucking not.” I padded my back pocket for my phone. Fuck. Instead, I snagged a passing server and said, “Bring me the maitre d’ right now.”
“Twill! Delighted you could join us!”
Join us? Like it was your fucking table? Likeshewas yours.
“I’ve been reading up about AI disruption and would love your perspective.”
“Just.” Ren said, flicking his eyes toward Theo and then Mackenzie. He said my name, his name for me, as a statement. There was no rising intonation. Not a question. He wasn’t inquiring about my wellbeing. It was a check on my anger. And the fucker was right.
Bob took a seat. He claimed the seat next to Theo. Next to Theo. And then he scooted his chair three inches to the right.Abso-fucking-lutely not. Ren raised an eyebrow at me.
“How can I be of service, Mr. Twill?”
I connected with Ren again. His smirk told me the table would survive my shift of focus. I turned to the maitre d’ and his shiny badge, sporting the name William.
“I need a reservation at Tiger’s Table. For right now.”
“Sir, Tiger’s Table is fully booked for the next three days…”
“William, I appreciate that. Any restaurant will do. Anywhere but here.” As William’s face fell, I put out a hand to stop the apologies and move us right into problem solving. With a gentler edge to my voice, I said, “It’s not the service, which is excellent, it’s the company. I don’t have my phone with me. Perhaps you can contact Todd White, my personal concierge?” I pulled my money clip out and peeled off a hundred.
“Of course, Mr. Twill.”
He took a few steps away with a phone to his ear. I put my hand on the back of Theo’s chair, my fingertips just grazed his shoulder. That extinguished a few flames. Mackenzie’s dazzling smile did more of the same.