Page 19 of Why Cruise

“More drinks it is.”

I didn’t mention how my heart had stuttered when that alpha’s gaze had swept past me on its way to Theo. Some things were better left unsaid. Jillian wanted me to have a rebound fling, but what if I couldn’t? What if no one wanted me?

“I’ll get the drinks,” Theo said as we reached the deck chairs. “You dry off.”


I laughed at another one of Rose’s vapid jokes, letting my eyes wander over the pool deck. Her aura pressed against mine like an eager puppy, broadcasting her interest loud and clear. She was exactly the kind of mark I should focus on. Old money, more privilege than sense, and desperate for attention.

But my gaze kept drifting to the pair in the pool. Theo’s dark blond curls caught the sunlight. I swore each strand got lighter by the second as he sat in the sun. His companion’s curves were distracting in the best possible way. Mackenzie. The name suited her somehow. It was a name you had to work for, get your mouth to obey. No Mack, or Ken or Kenzie for her. Worth every syllable. Definitely more interesting than Rose and her supermarket cookie scent.

“Don’t you agree, Ren?” Rose’s whine dragged my attention back to her and her steadfast gaggle of omega besties.

“Sure.” I had no idea what I was agreeing to, but it made her beam.

My fingers brushed the ring on my thumb. The metal was warm from the sun. I flexed my fists and adjusted the seasick bracelet around my wrist. Get it together, Ren. Find a rich mark. Get paid. Get free.

Simple plan. Dumb but simple.

“Ren.” Catherine’s sharp voice cut through the chatter. She stood at the edge of our little gathering in a teal sundress. It looked fantastic on her, but it did not suit her in the least. Grim Reaper robes were more her vibe. “A word?”

The omegas surrounding me tensed. I would have chalked it up to Catherine being a female alpha. They set some people on edge. But no, Catherine was just a bitch and was interrupting Rose’s little party.

I stood, making a show of stretching just to hear the collective intake of breath. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse me.”

Catherine didn’t wait, just turned and walked away, expecting me to follow. Like a good little alpha, I did.

“Gaston wants to speak with you.”

Fuck. “Now?”

She glanced over her shoulder, her lips curving into something that wasn’t quite a smile. “Would you prefer to keep him waiting?”

Double fuck. I forced myself to breathe normally. Gaston by himself wasn’t more than a pain in the ass most days. But he had connections.

“Smart boy.” She gestured back into the ship, away from the temptations at the pool. She really needed to learn how to flirt.

My stomach churned. And it had nothing to do with the gentle rocking of the boat. I looked back at the pool one last time. Theo was watching me, a blush staining his cheeks when our eyes met. Mackenzie whispered something that made him laugh, the sound carrying across the water.

For a moment, I let myself imagine a different life. One where I could walk over there, introduce myself properly. Maybe find out if their scents were as intoxicating up close as they were from a distance.

“Ren.” Catherine’s voice carried a warning.

I turned away from the pool, from that fantasy, and followed her toward whatever fresh hell Gaston had planned.

Some alphas got to choose their path. Others just tried to survive the one they were given.

Catherine led me into the buffet dining room, where Gaston had claimed a corner table like it was his personal throne room.

Holding court in a cafeteria,I thought, but kept my mouth shut.

“Progress report?” Gaston didn’t look up from his newspaper.

“It’s still a shitty plan.” I dropped into the chair across from him, stretching my arm along the top of the chair next to me. Catherine took the hint and stood behind Gaston, draping an arm over his shoulder, mirroring my position. “We’d have better luck kidnapping a pack lead off the boat and ransoming him back to his pack.”

Tommy perked up from the end of the table, his eyes lighting with that particular brand of stupid enthusiasm that made me want to punch him.

“Not helpful, Ren.” Gaston turned his paper around, tapping a headline that made my stomach clench:“Investigation Continues in Missing Pack Lead Case.”