She stretched one arm up and snuggled into my arm like I was her favorite stuffie.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“Adrenaline crash will do that to you.”
Reluctantly, I stood up, avoiding looking down at her legs. Every cell in my body protested having to let go of her. She slid her hand down my arm and laced her fingers with mine, using me to pull herself to standing. I stepped back to let her go first. I focused on keeping my grip loose, her fingers light in my hand. My desperation to not let go would crush her bones.
But she was the one who held on tight, awkwardly twisting her arm as we went down the bus steps.
She chattered. I knew she was talking, but the scream and the blame got louder with each step. The gangway was crowded. She led the way, stepping into me to avoid people.
She halted. “Shit. I don’t have my phone. What time is it?” Her worried look jacked up my heart rate.
There was a giant clock along the boardwalk. I could barely make it out.
“Quarter to four.”
“Shit. The auracle reading. I promised Theo.” She turned and pulled me through the crowd, not quite at a run.
We got caught in the bottleneck to check our IDs, but Mackenzie wiggled ahead and through the crowd, alphas stepping back to get out of our way.
“Theo!” She spotted him in the sea of people like she had a homing beacon.
“Hey!” He rushed to meet us. He took a double take at me, his brows all crinkled, and then turned to Mackenzie. “How were the ATVs?”
“We’re late. We have to go. It’s first come, served, remember?”
She stepped away and then turned back to me. Her smile was the very air. “I…” she paused, her face fell slightly becomingserious. She put the smile back on her face. “I had a great time. You are wonderful.” She pulled me down and kissed my cheek.
And then she was gone, into the crowd, taking all the air with her. My vision tunneled to Mackenzie and Theo leaving me.
My head swam. I heard a lock click and then screams.
My hands were shoved deep in my pockets.
Hands that had just been covered in his slick.
I was too afraid they’d shake. I should put on that seasickness bracelet again, the way my brain was sloshing around in my skull, making me nauseous. I spun the ring on my thumb with my index finger. A self soothing habit. Or a way to keep my hands to myself so I didn’t reach out and grab him again as we took the long way back down to the gangway.
I’d fucked a lot of people in my life. None that I cared about, not really. Except for Justice.
Fuck. Now Theo.
On the bright side, if I wasn’t dead or in jail at the end of this trip, I’d have another person to obsess over and stalk to fill up my day with. I needed to find myself a fucking hobby. Interior design or some shit. Maybe renovate my loft instead of endlessly searching “#Twill” on social media. It wouldn’t take much. Some drywall and 2-by-4s to build space for a nest…
Fuck me.
Why couldn’t I be smart and keep my dick to myself? My aura to myself? Having him so close, I could almost pretend his aura was mine.
Touch-starved? Could alphas be touch-starved?
Theo stopped and spun around so suddenly, I almost ran into him. He was way too close, but I couldn’t step away.
“I’m sorry.” His face was earnest, but he didn’t seem upset.