Page 58 of Why Cruise

“The respect…” Sterling started.

“As a matter of fact, where’s your respect for Theo?”

“Excuse me.”

The tension spiked in the room. Some people were backing away. I stepped closer to Ren.

“You shit on what he was working on in front of your pack and then with the audacity you conjure out of thin air, thinking he needs protection from my potty mouth and that you can command what he does with his body like he’s a child.”

“I did no such…”

“Is this a pack or Stockholm Syndrome?” Ren leaned in toward Grace. “Sweetie, blink twice if you need help.”

Sterling lunged across the table. Ren put a hand on my stomach and pushed me back a step. But other than that, he didn’t change his posture. Sterling barely made it halfway across the table.

“Okay, my kitchen, my rules. You have two choices.” Chef Tanaka was between them now, calm, like alpha duels broke out every day. Maybe they did.

Sterling’s lips curved into a smug smile. I stepped into Ren. He turned his head slightly, but didn’t take his eyes off Sterling.

“You can keep your mouth shut and make some sushi,” the chef pointed his knife at Sterling, “or you can leave. Your pack is welcome to stay.”

The smile dropped from Sterling’s face. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” The chef’s voice was ice.

“You’re givingthatpreferential treatment over me?”


Ren growled. An actual growl. It made the hairs on my neck stand up. Everyone but the chef took a step back. Grace’s eyes went wide. I caught the way her gaze darted between Sterling and Ren. She knew her alpha was beat.

“So what’s it going to be?” Tanaka asked.

Sterling’s jaw worked. For a moment, I thought he might actually challenge the chef. But then he stepped back, inclining his head in a sharp nod. He stormed toward the door, snapping his fingers for his pack to follow. Which they did. Without question.

“Ew.” Ren pulled back in disgust, watching them file out.

When the door closed behind them, he turned to me, his expression surprisingly serious. He cupped my face with his hand and swiped his thumb across my cheek. “I’m sorry.” He dropped his hand, like he knew his touch was an unfair advantage. “I know you were looking forward to this. Maybe even looking forward to that pack. But I just can’t stand bullies.”

I thought about it for a moment, then smiled. “Except when you’re the bully, you mean?”

“Oh!” Ren clutched his chest dramatically. “That hurts. But very true.” His voice softened. “I won’t stand to see you disrespected. Will you forgive me?”

We stood there in our own little bubble as the class got back to their maki rolls. There was chatter and whispering and theclatter of utensils. My cheeks flushed, and I darted my eyes to see who was watching. Ren caught my chin with a finger and turned my back to him. He seemed content to wait on whatever I did next. All his attention on me.

“Shut up and make some sushi.”

“I love me a feisty omega.”

He put his hand on my back as we both stepped up to our stations. He slid a fresh sheet of nori onto our bamboo rolling mats.

“Eric is a terrible teacher. Great cook, terrible teacher.” His voice low, just for me. “He taught me how to make maki when I was 15 by hitting me with a wooden spoon when I tore the nori. No spankings today unless you ask really nice.”

“Fuck, Ren.” I choked on air.

“What, you can’t handle it when your partner in crime isn’t here?” He chewed on a piece of pickled ginger. “Try more water on your fingertips and a dabbing motion, rather than a smearing motion.”

With Ren standing next to me, I could actually see what I was supposed to be doing. Rolling it up was easier than I thought so long as I didn’t press too hard.